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Finished Works and Works in Progress / Christmas Scene
« on: December 05, 2008, 11:37:46 am »
Hi, I am working on a Christmas scene with a tree, fireplace, presents, etc. So far I have the tree but its decorations aren't finished. To make it I had a cone length 40 start 2 end 30, long 14 lat 10 and I peaked all the faces, moved the points in and down and subdivided, then added the fir tree texture. I made a gold, silver and red ball and put about 10 on the tree. The balls have a single image environment map of the fir tree texture set to 10% to make it look like its reflecting it. I tried making lights for the tree but couldn't make it look like they're turned on, shining. Any help on that would be appreciated. I also put a bark texture on the stump of the tree. I'm doing this in Anim8or 095, Scanline Renderer. I also made a star (a peaked pentagon) with a texture. I'm trying to get a bow on top of the presents I made with wrapping paper texture, but not sure how to make it. Constructive Criticism, comments or suggestions are welcome.

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