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Ian Ross has just released a book on Anim8or. It's perect for a beginner and a good reference for experienced users. It contains detailed chapters on every aspect, with many examples. Get your own copy here: "Anim8or Tutorial Book"

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Finished Works and Works in Progress / Lego 'self-building' animation
« on: January 26, 2010, 06:12:21 am »
In the quiet weeks after christmas, I decided to have a go at a short lego animation in the style previously used in TV adverts and currently on their website. It was also a way to remember how to build a variation of the standard model. I was reasonably pleased with the result, so here it is![/youtube]]http://www.

Rendered with v.95 scanline renderer, four lights and some VERY soft shadows. Total render time in the region of four days, can't be sure as I did it in pieces. C&C welcome!
Thanks for looking

I've been aware of two very minor 'bugs' in Anim8or - I've just checked they're still in the 0.97d preview (they are) and, as they've existed since I started using Anim8or (v0.6ish) I thought I'd mention them:

1) OBJECT MODE - SPHERE PARAMETERS - The tab order on the Lon/Lat value boxes in the Sphere Parameters dialogue is the wrong way round (Lat -> Lon)

2) SCENE MODE - ADVANCED LIGHT PARAMETERS - When changing the 'Percent Dark' of a light from its default (70), then changing the Volume/Ray Trace setting in the same dialogue session, the 'Percent Dark' value reverts to 70.

Hardly vital, as I say, but just thought maybe they should be recorded?

With thanks

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