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Topics - Familyman

Pages: [1]
he is what I have, A large tank style cannon.
He is what I want it to do, when firing I want it two sharfts of the cannon to recoil into each other.
I have tried palying around with bones and angels but can not get the affect I want,
So is there a way to shorten and lengthen bones during animation, I have tried to editing a sequence starting with a bode long and making that a keyframe and then 20 frames later changing the length of the boneand making that a keyframe but that doesn't work.

General Anim8or Forum / Adding texture to different faces.
« on: May 17, 2008, 09:02:51 pm »
I am having a problem that I just can not seem to fix, I have a texture ok, I can load it in, fine..
I make a cube not a problem.
Click the buttons that will allow me to select faces, that I can do.
If I select the front and back faces of the cue and add the texture it looks fine, but when I go to select the sides, top and bottom faces and add the texture the texture gets added but it seems stretched.
What am I doing wrong.

General Anim8or Forum / piecing together Animations.
« on: May 15, 2008, 11:25:58 am »
I was just wondering what programs people use to piece together their anims, and add sounds. I have been using windows movie maker but you can only add one sound, I need to be able to add multiple sounds and slow down or speed up parts of the anims..

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Just added new render
« on: May 09, 2008, 11:18:04 pm »
here are two little clips from somethign I am working on, tey still need a lot of work, and I mean A LOT!!,,
but I thought I would post what I ahve so far...
Thoughts and comments please..

General Anim8or Forum / Having problems with shadows
« on: May 08, 2008, 03:26:12 pm »
Me again, are you sick of all the questions yet?.. No,,, Good,
here is what I am doing and then the problem will follow.
I have an object flying over a landscape, I have a light (infinate) shinning down, I have everything ticked to give and recive shadows, and that works. But here is the problem, on some frames everthing looks great then for now reason I will get a big dark shadow that comes out of nowhere and will last on the screen for a few frames then go, THERE IS NOTHING THAT CAN BE GIVING OFF THIS SHADOW!!!,,

General Anim8or Forum / 3D world to fly over.
« on: May 05, 2008, 08:27:53 pm »
here is what i am wanting to do, and then maybe someone can help with how to do it.
I have an Animation of a space ship flying through space and heading towards a planet, the next scene I want is as follows,
Camera view flying through this world, through valleys and over mountains,
then I want to have that turn into the viewer is behind the ship so you see the ship from behind flying through this world.
So basicaly i guess I am asking is there an easy way to build a terrain and animate the camera flying through it?..
Can be a third party program (preffer Free).
Any help would be great thanks.

General Anim8or Forum / need help with making a colour transparent.
« on: April 29, 2008, 01:17:04 pm »
Ok heres the problem, I am trying to put a image on an object and then make a certain colour of that image clear?transparent, but I can not figure it out. Any help please..

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