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Messages - johnar

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Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: More stuff in space
« on: July 10, 2021, 06:26:58 am »
Thank you so much!
You're very welcome. :)

 'Particle illusion' has excellent explosions and other effects. Below is a simple one, but it's an amazing program. Well worth a look.

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: More stuff in space
« on: July 08, 2021, 07:55:36 am »
Good one(s)  :)
 I thought the music went well for the training course, gave it a sort've pleasant feel about the ride. Don't know if it suited the dog fight so well.  ;D

 How did you do the explosion? The lasers are looking good.

 As you're getting more done, the animations, timing and things, must be feeling more and more easier to do, as can be seen with improving results.
 Maybe as the ' More stuff in space' continues on, keep in mind the idea of  expanding with new ideas, big and small.
  Look for opportunities to add some small, extra 'something', where-ever you have the idea to do it.
 Those small extra details will keep adding up over time, will become easier and faster to do, and in time will payoff with even better results in the final viewings.
 What inspired me to point that out was, when he reaches and touches the screens/controls.
By just using two seperate hand shape sequences could add to the illusion that he is actually 'taping in' some information/commands. Could be a little thing, maybe worth adding.
 ie: hand open seq, finger point seq. (do each seperately as a 'pose'. (1 frame sequence).
 In scene mode, it doesn't take much extra time to add the open hand pose, (seq), while lifting his arm, then add the pointing pose for finger to touch screen, then open hand again as the arm returns.
 Sort've adds that tiny bit of realism/interest, which viewers just might notice. Finger movements can be a nice extra detail
 Hand poses are awesome things, and fast to add with a little practice. (i use a 2 frame sequence, rather than 1 frame. Just habit.) Key 'ONLY' the hand bones in sequence mode.
 Make a folder of hand poses for each character. THey are an awesome thing to have.  ;)

Anim8or v1.0 Discussion Forum / Re: Folders in Sequence mode
« on: July 07, 2021, 04:04:44 am »
OK. Good to know. Thanks steve.  :)

Anim8or v1.0 Discussion Forum / Re: Folders in Sequence mode
« on: July 03, 2021, 12:58:12 am »
 Nice one steve
 Did have a problem to begin with, but must say it was probably self inflicted. Was deleting bones, renaming others, (previously 'foldered'), while creating new folders and generally making a real mess out of a mess to begin with.  ::)
 Have used in several other cases where all is good. If i can ever recreate a situation where anim8or crashes again i'll be sure to post a bug report.
 Apart from that one time, all is going well. Thank you. :)

General Anim8or Forum / Re: What the...?
« on: July 02, 2021, 04:55:03 am »
 File -> Configure

Anim8or v1.0 Discussion Forum / Re: Hello, forum.
« on: June 06, 2021, 04:47:20 am »
 I think it could be a case for 'house keeping'.
 When you go 'File - configure', thats where you set up where anim8or will look for things like textures etc.
 If anim8or can't open a texture, it probably means it's not where it's expected to be.

 Rectify by placing the required texture(s) into the designated folder, (designate a folder if you havn't already), or if the texture is no longer being used, then delete the reference in 'object materials.'

Edit. I think that Anim8or searches the folder which the anim8or file is in, as well as the pre-designated, (configured), folder.


Anim8or v1.0 Discussion Forum / Re: Folders in Sequence mode
« on: June 06, 2021, 04:31:24 am »
 wow, i only just saw this. mi scuso per il ritardo  ;)

 Awesome steve.  Have just downloaded 1402. Will make such a difference with that.

#101-055 - Adding a new bone to a figure doesn't show up in a scene.
Well spotted.
too much messy code! Who wrote this, anyway?
I never know what to say when you talk about 'messy code'. It must be so tricky keeping all your code in perfect order, with all the work you've been doing on, and adding to, anim8or.
 All i can really say is, 'This end is absolutely friggen awesome'.
 It's amazing how much anim8or can do, especially taking into account the size of the program and
 the fact that it's one mans baby.
  There's always a bit of a mess, here and there, on the big jobs.

General Anim8or Forum / Re: Sport time on Anim8or forum
« on: June 06, 2021, 04:06:38 am »
 Good to see some character animation going on, and that's a mighty fine example of a press-up.
 Good to see you using shadows as well. Keep up the good work.
 A note. You might want to start posting these into the 'Finished works and work in progress' forum.  ;)

General Anim8or Forum / Re: How Handy is anim8or
« on: June 06, 2021, 03:58:42 am »
thanks guys.
would have been quite wordy and easy to misinterpret to cover this with text alone.

 Exactly that. I can do a lot of this 'guide' with camera and text, but no way to get a good enough shot for something like this. I'm sure there are so many other cases where taking the time to learn some simple 3D modelling has ended up making the 'impossible possible'.

'grazie mille' Steve

General Anim8or Forum / Re: My own walk cycle
« on: June 04, 2021, 11:57:33 pm »
A nice brisk walk. But he wasn't watching where he was going !! lol
 Nice one mrbeaver.07

General Anim8or Forum / How Handy is anim8or
« on: June 04, 2021, 11:51:33 pm »
How handy is anim8or.
 Not really said as a question, more of a statement. Please feel welcome to share your own experiences. Mine is this.
 I live in a bus and am in the process of making an 'owners manual' for the next 'inhabitant'. (probly my daughter after i'm gone). Have realised a manual will be important, for things like the 12 volt setup, the 240 volt setup, the plumbing etc etc.... I've done everything myself, so i understand all the nuances of how it all works, but for someone else, i've realised it could be a nightmare to try and work out my wiring and so on. So an 'inhabitants manual' has been my project for some time now. And some time to come.

 This photo of the bus is a few years ago now, when it was operating as a business vehicle. It still goes, however has been parked up for the last 20ish years, in which time its had several facelifts.

 So, how handy is anim8or!!  The bus has 2 'very large' battery banks for 12volt power, and they are inside lockers underneath the bus. (x forklift batteries) Too large and awkward to really get a good idea of what they're all about. So......

General Anim8or Forum / Re: Hello everyone!
« on: May 31, 2021, 07:56:40 am »
Nice one.

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: Wall hanger - An8 to Life
« on: April 25, 2021, 05:06:11 am »
Thats cool davdud, and good job.
 2 things i can mention.
 No 'hanging hole', and no notes on the 'sticky notes'

 Looks awesome tho. I just wanna make the doors slide open and shut, and maybe then an animated gif of that happening. (probably morph targets, or might need to use a rig, but of course that's only if the doors are seperate meshes from the rest of it)

 i just love seeing, and making, things move.

 Good job !

General Anim8or Forum / Re: animating phoneme morph targets
« on: April 07, 2021, 08:51:42 am »
I agree the phoneme editor works very well. And behaves really well during copying, pasting and editing already existing phoneme keys

Default mouth shape is best open, for exactly the reasons you gave.
the transitions are smoother and it covers up slightly inexact timing
(maybe not quite as open as peters tho)

 I had a character with no teeth, and needed them for 'f, and s and other 'teethy' mouth shapes, so i made some teeth seperately, (new object), and added them to one of the figures headbones. (one that didn't move).
 Then added morph targets to new teeth. Teeth Morphs were 'top up, bottom down, top out and bottom out.
 As you will know, morph targets work both ways. Ie: open mouth morph can be used as closed mouth by going into negative values. Doesn't always suffice, but does more often than not.
 So positive values raised teeth in 'top teeth up morph', and negative values lowered the top teeth. (kept things 'simpler')
 Top teeth out was handy for 'F', because the teeth needed to poke out a bit to cover bottom lip. (a mixture of topteeth down and topteeth out)
 It meant some extra morphing in scene mode, having to animate teeth seperately from mouth, but saved me losing all the existing morph targets i'd made, if i'd added teeth to the actual head object.
 A tongue can also be added later in the same way. A seperate object added to the figure, and with it's own morphs, tongue up etc. I found 'tongue up worked best with just the front half of the tongue curling up. Then i had a morph target called 'tongue lift, which moved the whole tongue up and down.
 Theres so much can be done with morph targets.
  PeterTalking head is looking, and sounding, really good, and the more you keep at it, the better will be the results.
 Good one exile, keep up the good work.

General Anim8or Forum / Re: animating phoneme morph targets
« on: April 05, 2021, 07:30:41 pm »
 Well done exile.

Edit: Something i found when lipsyncing was to do that part first, and animate the character after you've finished the lipsync.
Eyes can be done during, or after, animation, as moving the character will determine where the eyes will be looking, but the timing of the voice wav file doesn't change, so it's easier to do the mouthwork when the character is not moving.

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