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Messages - TomiL

Pages: 1 [2]
Iīd love to see it, but:

"This video is not available in your country due to copyright restrictions."

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: Suzuki SA310 Sport
« on: June 07, 2009, 03:46:56 pm »
Ah, sorry for not reading your post well enough. :P
Not posting a pic in here (maybe PM) but it had 2" suspension lift, 29" mud tyres(small) and Lock-Right automatic rear differenntial lock ;) Now I own a Toyota BJ40 ī75 (Traded my Suk)

Oh and I hope you finish this one. I love to see car models. Iīve been modeling since 2004. Used Zmodeler, then Anim8or few years and then 3DsMax. Now Iīm back with anim8or. I was formelly known as rallydriver. I made few car modeling tutorials.

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: Suzuki SA310 Sport
« on: June 07, 2009, 03:05:33 pm »
Looks decent sofar. The wheel arch needs some work to get it more smooth.

I would concentrade on modeling first, rather than rendering ;)
(BTW I owned an offroad Suzuki SJ410. Great little beast.)

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: 5 Window Coupe
« on: April 28, 2009, 02:30:18 pm »
Very good for a first try. I would make it a tad wider ;)

Put some few details into it and render it using Art.

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: Artillery Mech WIP
« on: April 17, 2009, 08:22:53 am »
A solid wireframe wuld be even better! :D

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: Artillery Mech WIP
« on: April 16, 2009, 09:01:52 am »
I remember you and your awesome works  8)

This looks mighty fine sofar! I love mechs.

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: 55-Gallon Barrel (Texture!)
« on: April 12, 2009, 11:07:32 am »
Looks pretty nice. Needs more details :)

How did you do the UV-map?

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: WIP: Locomotive
« on: March 22, 2009, 07:34:50 am »
Looking sweet. Intense detailing!
 You must have a killer PC :P

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: TomiLīs Anim8or stuff
« on: March 21, 2009, 12:49:16 pm »
A WIP wheel.

Scene enviroment: Cubemap
Lights: One infinite and one local
AA: 64

Render time: So long that I didnīt even bother to calculate it.

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: TomiLīs Anim8or stuff
« on: March 17, 2009, 12:50:53 pm »
Meh....plain cylinder is boring.

Lets add something for it  :D

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: TomiLīs Anim8or stuff
« on: March 17, 2009, 11:54:22 am »
(tomil? what does that stand for?)
My name is Tomi and L is the first letter of my last name ;)

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: TomiLīs Anim8or stuff
« on: March 17, 2009, 10:57:08 am »
Thanks hiho! Not sure about how detailed a cylinfer can be :D

Anyway I learned to use AO, Yay!

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: TomiLīs Anim8or stuff
« on: March 16, 2009, 02:51:37 pm »
Thank you!

Everybody likes pictures so hereīs a better render plus a wireshot.
As you can see the fluid...holes are attached to the cylinder object like in a real life.

Finished Works and Works in Progress / TomiLīs stuff *Land Cruiser*
« on: March 16, 2009, 01:26:43 pm »
Hi all.
Iīm formelly know as "rallydriver". Some might remember me. Started modeling in 2004...and so on. Iīm back with anim8or for some little projects...well.. random models ;D
I discovered that Anim8or has some wild changes, like ART renderer which is AWESOME. Huge thanks to Steve for keeping this freeware. This is more lighter than any other 3D-software. All tho My PC can handle tons of more polys in 3DsMax and in Blender than in Anim8or but this is still great for low-oply objects.

Anyway, hereīs a first WIP for this topic. Itīs a hydraulic cylinder.

A sneak preview. Will have much more details.

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: WIP: Locomotive
« on: March 12, 2009, 08:31:05 am »
That is some seriously well done model. I like the renders alot. Cant wait to see this polybeast ready :)
(BTW I was formely know as "rallydriver". Maybe you remmeber me :D )

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