Finished Works and Works in Progress / Diffuse Inter-Reflection Test
« on: October 23, 2017, 11:18:14 am »
I was in the process of making a lighting tutorial for PerfectGold when I wanted some comparison shots from An8.
Ive mentioned in the past about ART needing Diffuse Inter-Reflection and ToneMapper but I simulated it with Glossyreflector.
My material settings are crazy
Ambient 0
Diffuse 20 + texture
Specular 0.95 + Texture
Roughness 0
Setting specular to 1 means diffuse doesn't work
Scene Lighting set to 1 for exterior, 4 for interior
Im quite sure these would be much better (not to mention easier to set up) if an8 suported it as a checkbox
Also note that Ambient Occlude is NOT on, AmbOcc is a simplified DIR.
The results
Ive mentioned in the past about ART needing Diffuse Inter-Reflection and ToneMapper but I simulated it with Glossyreflector.
My material settings are crazy
Ambient 0
Diffuse 20 + texture
Specular 0.95 + Texture
Roughness 0
Setting specular to 1 means diffuse doesn't work
Scene Lighting set to 1 for exterior, 4 for interior
Im quite sure these would be much better (not to mention easier to set up) if an8 suported it as a checkbox
Also note that Ambient Occlude is NOT on, AmbOcc is a simplified DIR.
The results