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Messages - Trevor

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Finished Works and Works in Progress / Diffuse Inter-Reflection Test
« on: October 23, 2017, 11:18:14 am »
I was in the process of making a lighting tutorial for PerfectGold when I wanted some comparison shots from An8.
Ive mentioned in the past about ART needing Diffuse Inter-Reflection and ToneMapper but I simulated it with Glossyreflector.

My material settings are crazy
Ambient 0
Diffuse 20 + texture
Specular 0.95 + Texture
Roughness 0

Setting specular to 1 means diffuse doesn't work

Scene Lighting set to 1 for exterior, 4 for interior

Im quite sure these would be much better (not to mention easier to set up) if an8 suported it as a checkbox
Also note that Ambient Occlude is NOT on, AmbOcc is a simplified DIR.

The results

Anim8or v1.0 Discussion Forum / Re: V1.0b small material bug
« on: October 23, 2017, 10:43:17 am »
Claude, I disagree.
Per Object materials are overrides to the file material. If you could not have the same name then you cant override a material without having to select all faces of said material and then assign a new material.
You might have 3 models each with different flight group colours, instead of having to select all FGDecal materials and then changing for each model to a new name, you simply share materials then in each model you only have to change the colour of FGDecal, no selections and easy make an nth model since no need to change names.


Ongoing Anim8or Development / Re: Experimential Track Ball for Arc Rotate
« on: October 23, 2017, 10:34:17 am »
I don't know that we necessarily need 2 separate tools, The New UI should replace the old UI but the back code of the new one needs brought "up to classic spec".

Being able to do everything with 1 mouse button / finger is great and the new UI (with addition of the 2 sliders I suggested in previous post) accomplishes this, I just think that having a mouse should allow the "old" behavior if you press right or middle buttons.
Also the rotational problem needs fixing, or made optional. (PerfectGold recently changed its rotations to similar to an8's "classic" and Subdrag called it "First Person Shooter Style" as against "Flight Sim Style". Since Arc-Rotate is more like looking down on a table you could call it "Table Top Style" and the odd - though technically correct fixed axis rotation - "Orbit Style")


Ongoing Anim8or Development / Re: Experimential Track Ball for Arc Rotate
« on: October 22, 2017, 07:16:45 pm »
I like it but agree with Kyle, original aloud rotating round an object while looking down on it, new one rotates the horizontal "plane" meaning that you now rotate round to below the object then back up top... As Kyle said, this is disorientating.

As far as I see, only Z translation is missing, which could be added as an arrow up the left or right of the circle.
As for the X and Y trnaslations, they work fine for me, I don't run off screen since I start at the end closes to screen edge and swipe across through the circle maximising screen swipe.

I would also suggest a Zoom on the other side to Z, working the same, swipe up or down it to zoom in or out.
Code: [Select]
^      - ^ -       ^
|    /   |   \     |
Z <-X---------X-> FOV
|    \   |   /     |
V      - V -       V
Adding these 2 "sliders" avoids the need to use any more mouse buttons for touchscreens, however, it would be nice to mix the old and new keeping the new UI and the old mouse commands.
New UI allows single mouse button, old commands allow those with a mouse to still take shortcuts.


General Anim8or Forum / Re: Old Hallway candle lighting ideas?
« on: September 21, 2017, 10:35:47 am »
The only problem with all the effect hacks is that they are nearly all incompatible with ART.

As stated above, ART casts 100% shadows of any mesh regardless of transparency.

My advice would be before doing any hack, get the scene rendering properly.

ART takes the longest of all the renderers, the fastest is OpenGL which is the same as the workspace. Scanline is second fastest.

ART works best with AA on and the more samples the longer it takes.


Ah, wait a second, the top of that post is
IF Fast Select enabled
classic an8 behavior

So, since fast select was disabled, that means this is a bug?

Fast select has no bearing on the result from testing just now.

Now, I remember saying at the time that I loved it, but not that long ago I found a use for the "classic" method, with no way to do it.
However, using fast select as a rule changer is not the best method. I think it would be good to have another button up there with a few verticies and an axis as its icon.
90% of the time Id probably have it enabled, but, sometimes its necessary to use pivot point for 2 or more groups if verticies. one example could be a star or cog wheel.

many thanks,

yeah, it will only do connected verticies.

there are times when this is desirable, but others like this one where they are not.
Same goes for rotation, sometimes rotating a group of verticies about a common center is good, othertimes it would be better to rotate round model center (the draggable one... pivot point I think its called)


I'm surprised no one mentioned the spline tool.

There are 2 spline tools, one that produces piecewise polynomials, or straight lines, the other that interpolates a smooth line.

The only difference to the image above is that in an8, if you use the same points the smooth line will encompass those points, not underdrawn like the image.

Using the spline tool, you draw whatever shape you want then click, fill solid, then you can extrude faces.


I am one of those "Old Colour" users as I find the new one odd, I'm just used to seeing an8 in blue.

Yes, lets change PEF to VEF, that should alleviate some confusion around "point" and "Vertex" (Gyperboloid: the Plural of Vertex is Vertices although I too have been know to use the incorrect Vertexes before)

Agreed on Steve's point2


you need v1.00a downloadable here


To be honest, it took me a while to work that one out too.


Anim8or v1.0 Discussion Forum / Re: Rendering Hangs
« on: August 11, 2017, 06:05:16 pm »
That's great Steve, it works now.

just as a matter of interest I wondered if you were keeping the internal build number incrementing, however I opened about to find it simply says 1.00a.

I think it might be good to keep the internal build number which would mean we were on v1.00.1.1274
(1269, B1, B2, B3, V1, V1a)


General Anim8or Forum / Re: Where is everybody?
« on: August 10, 2017, 05:55:00 am »
heh, I wish Steve would make that optional, a few builds ago it was screen zoom rather than cursor zoom and I preferred that, now when I zoom it veers off to a side which is annoying when I'm lined up to a specific grid point.


Anim8or v1.0 Discussion Forum / Re: Rendering Hangs
« on: August 10, 2017, 05:43:38 am »
Sorry for my late response however I think this sounds like the issue I had posted about here,5563.msg41999.html#msg41999
Win 10 16251
Clicking render works once, after that clicking render again the render controls appear but the image options window does not.
Click close and the menu bar becomes active but the rest of the screen stays in render mode
Click render again and all is well, image options show and render starts.
click close and window returns to object/scene mode.


General Anim8or Forum / Re: Turn off Shadows in ART render?
« on: August 02, 2017, 06:23:16 am »
yup! still waiting for copy an paste objects in scene mode without having to manually add things!

hahaha, just noticed you re-posted this here.
I added this to the dev forum since I think that forum would be more appropriate for requests otherwise there would be no definition between the forums - that is unless a mod or Steve objects and considers the dev forum closed (pre-v1)?

There were a few things that never made V1, but Steve did say he was stabilising V1 for Release rather than adding new features.

for a 1.1 though I still say we need
Copy/Paste Scene elements
Toggle ALL shadows in scanline (I hate having to enable shadows for everything)
what thecolclough said about shadow opacity (2% trans = 2% shadow + tint (diffuse colour of object casting shadow))
Multi-threaded Render (break the image into small segments, single core CPU wont be any faster though it may look it, but multi-core CPU will be MANY times FASTER)
HDR images + Tonemapper (this is probably the hardest request and might be v1.2)

Bug report time,
Win 10 16251
Clicking render works once, after that clicking render again the render controls appear but the image options window does not.
Click close and the menu bar becomes active but the rest of the screen stays in render mode
Click render again and all is well, image options show and render starts.
click close and window returns to object/scene mode.


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