I remember when we had a short-lived Skype group a long time ago that eventually died.
The same will happen with the discord.
Whether it will or not is not up to anyone but ourselves. Saying we'd fail before it's attempted, and thus not trying, can only result in failure.
How would the group be used?
Would it be casual visits or structured around events, e.g. demonstrations / tutorials, etc.?
Mostly casual chatting/showing off and a way to get quick questions answered immediately. It could have most of the same channels as we have here on the forums.
Personally I'm pretty busy with work 24/7, but when my home computer is on I usually have Discord open. And I work at home a lot as well so I can always join in on the side. I may have a high opinion of myself, but if this can spur me into being more active in this community then it'd be nothing but a good thing for all of us. The same goes for anyone that participates.
CoriDavis, go ahead and start it up. If you want help, when I join it you can give me the privs, but you'll have all the oversight. Make a new topic with an introduction and instructions on how to join. I'll sticky it.