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Messages - CoriDavis

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 37
Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: Vaporwave Jesus
« on: December 28, 2023, 12:41:14 pm »
The vaporwave imagery is coming together! This just makes me SO happy to look at!

It's also my first time trying out reflectivity in ART. I don't know why I always thought it was so intimidating and didn't understand it. It's super easy! I initially didn't like how the tiles were reflecting the color of the sky, turning them purple instead of the bright pink I was going for. But after fiddling around with it, I eventually realized I like the light purple more. It works better with the color theory.

There are more things I want to add to the scene, so stay tuned. Hopefully I can work it out without overcomplicating it.

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: Vaporwave Jesus
« on: December 26, 2023, 09:30:14 pm »
Thank you! It's been a long and tedious process. Looking at the dates this took just over two weeks to finish!

I finally got my 360 rendered!

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Vaporwave Jesus
« on: December 25, 2023, 12:38:42 pm »
Interesting title, eh? Also fitting I'd finish this on Christmas.

This has to be my most ambitious model yet. I had an idea for an album cover that would have a Vaporwave theme. And I thought, since it's Christian music, what if I took the idea of the Statue of David and made it Jesus instead! This took me something like three weeks to finish. I've had a lot more free time and motivation for art now that I have a new job. I'm super proud of it. This is hands down the best model I've EVER made. It turned out EXACTLY how I envisioned it!

I'll render a 360 turnaround once I'm back from the Christmas festivities. I still have a lot more models to make for the scenery.

Anim8or v1.0 Discussion Forum / Color Code or Highlight Mesh Wireframes
« on: December 13, 2023, 01:34:47 pm »
Hi guys, I'm back again working on a project that popped into my head, and I just thought of a solution to a frustration I've had ever since I started making more complex models.

Once the wireframe gets this complex, it gets SO HARD to see what you're doing and fine-tune things in this spiderweb of dots and lines.

So I thought, what if (similarly to bones in weight-painting mode) each mesh could have a randomly-assigned color while in Wireframe view? This would of course be excluding the Pink and Green that we already use to tell if our edges are connected or not. Or alternatively, have the mesh you're currently working on glow in a different color than the rest, the way they do in Object/Edit mode.

I realize this doesn't help when the mesh you're currently working on is so complex on its own, but when you're working on different parts of a body (in my example, adding a beard to a face), it would be SO much easier to see what you're doing if there was some visual distinction between the wireframes of the meshes.

Many months ago, I had the idea to make a cartoony version of the Robin mascot that I could morph into different expressions and make custom emojis for the Anim8or Discord server. I never did finish those, but this week I did finish the model!

It's fully rigged and posable, comes with enough morph targets for a range of emotions and lipsyncing.I was planning on making a short animation of it, but man... considering the render time of just this one image in HD, THAT is intimidating. I still hope to do it one day!

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Liminal Space Found Footage
« on: June 25, 2022, 10:44:56 pm »
So yeah, it's been a looong time since I've made anything with Anim8or. I've used it to help with my 2D art and animations, but Anim8or hasn't been the full focus of any of my recent projects for years.

Well, recently I was listening to this music while I was at work, and I saw this place in my head. I was walking up some metal stairs, looking up at this big window. There was a ceiling fan hanging from the roof beams, and every single surface was painted landlord-special style in thick, chunky light blue paint. I didn't know where I was, or what it meant, I just knew I had to recreate it.

At first I didn't plan on doing anything super special with it. I was going to do my usual thing and make a simple 3D model to lay the perspective groundwork and then paint over it. But then I decided... I was too tired and lazy to do it that way.

I decided to add the rest of the details and render the image in Anim8or:

And this gave me another idea... I could make one of those Backrooms Found Footage videos! It's not very long, but it's perfect for TikTok and other platforms I post to. With some color correction and effects added in Vegas, I think it turned out great!

General Anim8or Forum / Re: Allocate More Resources to Render Speed?
« on: June 25, 2022, 07:13:41 pm »
ART does seem to be faster, but there are remarkable differences in color between the two, and oddly enough what the camera can "see" (is that supposed to happen?). I do like the results of Scanline more, but I can always adjust the lights, and make adjustments in post.

Here are some differences in color. Scanline on left, ART on right:

And here we see (in the exact same frame) The camera can see everything in Scanline, but appears to be clipped behind the wall in ART. Color can be fixed and makes sense. But this...?

Anyway, after fiddling with the camera position to get it out of the wall, I'll render my clip in ART and make my color adjustments in post.

General Anim8or Forum / Allocate More Resources to Render Speed?
« on: June 24, 2022, 10:34:57 pm »
Hey guys, long time no see.

I've mentioned before that I haven't been active in the Anim8or community much, as I've started focusing on Traditional animation now. However, I still borrow Anim8or once in a while because it's still helpful when I need guides on perspective. (Heck, I should post some of that work so you can see)

Anyway, I was inspired the other day by an image that popped into my head, and decided instead of drawing it, I was going to render it entirely in 3D.

Now, back in my heyday of Anim8or usage, I focused far more on animation and wasn't really interested in making realistic renders of still images. But now that I've actually tried it, I realized not only does rendering still take a super long time after all these years, but now that the processing power of the average computer has improved exponentially since then, the renderer isn't even taking advantage of the resources available.

This image which I rendered took around 30 minutes at 1080p using Scanline, raytraced shadows with softness, and anti-aliasing. It contains 4 lights, 3 are casting shadows.

Now I realize 30 minutes is nothing by industry standards. But what concerned me is that while Anim8or was rendering, it was only using 12-13% of my CPU and not even touching the GPU!

For reference, this is my setup. Certainly far better than that old Dell Latitude I used to have back in the day now that I do a lot of high-end video editing:

(Total RAM is 32GB)

Certainly my PC is capable of faster and more powerful rendering. Has anything been done over the years to make it possible to boost it?

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: Nifty Robin Fanart
« on: March 28, 2018, 01:34:38 pm »
It's my watermark of my art username. It's Irish for "The Shadow Rider" which is my pirate persona that turned into my branding basically. Scámarca Productions, my channel name is the phonetic spelling of "Scáth Marcach"

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Nifty Robin Fanart
« on: March 27, 2018, 10:42:05 pm »
I made this as an icon for the Anim8or Discord Server (Join here). It turned out pretty cute so I thought I'd share it.

Although... he is missing his signature Flamingo legs.

General Anim8or Forum / Anim8or Discord Server Link
« on: March 27, 2018, 03:59:15 pm »
I've started up a Discord server for the Anim8or community!

To join, make a Discord account if you don't already have one, and click this link to add the server to your list:

Discord is a new group chatting program with many improvements and advantages to Skype. This server will serve as a casual chat room, showing each other progress shots, and answering quick questions to problems. There's even a voice channel.

Just click the link to join.

General Anim8or Forum / Re: Discord Group?
« on: March 27, 2018, 09:46:37 am »
How would the group be used?

Would it be casual visits or structured around events, e.g. demonstrations / tutorials, etc.?

Mostly casual chatting/showing off and a way to get quick questions answered immediately. It could have most of the same channels as we have here on the forums.

I don't know what 'discord' is other than what I see by glancing at their webpage, not sure that I get it.  If you have a multiplayer game then I can see that voip and shared scene views improves the gaming experience.   How would Discord be used?

Discord is the new, better group chatting program opposed to Skype, and it's knocking Skype out of the water as far as performance and features go.

The site's description can be misleading. Yeah it's good for gaming, but its primary feature is a group chat system with categories.

As opposed to Skype, you can make different "channels" in your group with different topics where people can chat about different things in different rooms, all on the same group. You can even add permissions on who can post where and see what.
Voice chatting is immensely improved as instead of one person calling everyone to chat and bothering everybody, there's a voice chat channel always open that you can click to join and talk to anyone who happens to also be in the voice chat room.

General Anim8or Forum / Discord Group?
« on: March 26, 2018, 10:14:49 pm »
Have we ever thought of having an Anim8or Discord group? I remember when we had a short-lived Skype group a long time ago that eventually died.

I'd be willing to start one if nobody else is, and if there's interest for it.

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: Galacticats!
« on: December 20, 2017, 12:26:32 pm »
Hey guys, here's a finished clip! I actually posted this some time ago, but I hadn't posted it here!

General Anim8or Forum / Re: Mouse Sensitivity?
« on: September 15, 2017, 05:10:30 pm »
While I was waiting for a reply, I discovered how to manually enter in the orientation. Thank goodness. I wish I had discovered it sooner.

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