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Messages - Alpha2

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8]
I'm using v0.95 and I was wondering if the way you select and move bones is different for the other versions.

See while working in sequence mode you constantly have to switch back and forth and back and forth between the arrow tool and the rotate bone tool. This is counter intuitive and frankly a pain that could probably lead to repetitive stress injuries. Yet in Scene mode you can easily select your bones while in rotate bone mode and the only problem is being in the right camera mode to get the bone to move (instantly not a problem if you're in perspective or camera mode). So I'm wondering if this has changed in any of the other, "Preview", versions to be more intuitive.

Also a side note I noticed while messing with it today that occasionally in Scene mode when you move a bone the body part connected to it wouldnt update to show the new position until you click for a new key frame, I'm wondering if that's a known issue or if it might be a problem with video ram or something technical like that.

General Anim8or Forum / Re: Error making AVI frame
« on: March 30, 2008, 05:22:25 pm »
Thanks I'm trying the Cinepack codec right now and it seems to be rendering fine, I just hope the quality dosent suffer too much because I was really enjoying how good the dvix codec looked on smaller renders considering I'm using a ten year old laptop, especially if I want to render something that dosent look horribly artifacted once I finish adding sound FX and transplanting it to DVD.

hi, i hope i'm not the idiot you are reffering to...i really hope it's the other guy...

I'm refering to gregjockca20. dont worry I'm pretty sure you arent him :D

First film shows a Brazilian flag so I'd assume that's where he's from and what language the menu is in.

General Anim8or Forum / Error making AVI frame
« on: March 30, 2008, 04:48:36 pm »
Hi all.
once again I've returned to using Anim8or, like an abused wife running bad to an abused husband or something. Things were going good, I was starting to get the hang of using bone weights instead of those godawful influence cages when I got beat up again.

While trying to render a movie at wide screen 16:9 DVD format (as I understand it that's 852x480) I received this error.

Error Making AVI Frame

Error code:  0x80044066:

Facility: ITF

I was using the Dvix 6.8 codec (Logical CR...something it gets cut off in the selection window) and I'm using version 0.95.

Anyone have any clues whats going on? and if possible a way around it?

This has to be the largest collection of Anim8or work by a single person I've seen in the last 3 years!

Yeah I commented too, Sucks that that idiot started trolling your posts which is why I assume you turned off comments, You should consider making some tutorials because you could certainly teach some of us a thing or two.

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