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Messages - Olias

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Hello again Anim8or community.  It's been awhile since I posted here.

Back in the distant swirling mists of time (The 80's) there existed a tabletop roleplaying game by a company called FASA.  Star Trek: The Roleplaying Game and Star Trek: Starship Combat Simulator covered gameplay on the ground or in space in the Star Trek universe.

ST:SCS was quite good, and supplemental manuals such as the Federation Ship Recognition Guide listed specifications for both "canon" ships and originals created by FASA.  "Flavor Text" was provided for all ships, and it made for an interesting read.

At the time, there was also a magazine called Stardate which primarily dealt with the FASA game in much the same way that Dragon Magazine covered Dungeons & Dragons.  There was a section called "Jaynz Ships of the Galaxy" in each magazine where they would detail a new ship class which could be used with the game.

The one that caught my eye in those days was a design by Josh W. Spencer, the Indomitable-class battleship.

Here's the original blueprint:

As you can see, it's a "kitbash".  Looks like an Excelsior Saucer slapped onto an elongated Enterprise secondary hull with Enterprise warp nacelles.

I'd like to also credit Bernd Schneider and his Ex Astris Scientia ( website for the awesome ship database contained therein, and a contributor to that site named GUS for his awesome Excelsior reference images.

More to follow...

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: Animations by DWALCOTT
« on: June 09, 2009, 03:54:12 pm »
It's a good start.

The space shuttle after its reentry is little more than a giant plane.  As such, its landings would be very similar to a typical aircraft.

Generally a plane begins its descent by cutting back on the throttle.  This causes the plane to descend with little change in its attitude (where its nose is pointing).  As the plane reaches its final approach and nears the ground, it "flares" (brings the nose up) - this further slows the plane and ensures that the rear wheels touch down first.

You could fix this pretty easily by curving the path and putting in some pitch keys, and it will look much more realistic.

A higher resolution ground texture would also work wonders for the overall look.

That's looking quite good, Arik.

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: WIP: Robot
« on: November 10, 2008, 05:41:43 pm »
That looks great, really clean looking model and great style.

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: Transparent display stands
« on: November 10, 2008, 05:38:09 pm »
I love the stands, they look great.

The vases and pictures on the wall look superb.

My main crit would be (and I encountered this myself those times I attempted to do an interior room) is that the border between floor/wall and celing wall looks too perfect, because well, it is a perfect line.

I'd put a tiny curve there or, even better, some crown and baseboard molding would really cap it off great.

Once you've settled on which technique you want to use for the lasers, another thing you can do to make it look even better is attach a local light to each "bolt".


Now in this picture of course the lasers (phasers) are a constant beam, whereas in Star Wars they are more like "dashes".  Attach a light to each dash and it will look really sharp as it passes by other objects.

In both cases we're playing fast and loose with physics, as a coherant beam of light 1) wouldn't be visible unless it was passing through something like smoke and 2) even if it was visible, wouldn't radiate.

But it looks cool.

Trust me, give the transparent/emissive map thing a try.  You'll be amazed how much better it looks.

Create a gradient that fades off to total black (0,0,0) in something like Paint Shop, set it as both the transparent and emissive textures, hit the UV button (it should snap right on there perfectly without even having to move it around), and you're done.

Looks pretty good!

If I may make a suggestion, for any kind of laser, lightsaber, glow effect or whatever, in anim8or a quick and easy way to accomplish the look you want would be with a flat plane and an image of the beam as an emissive/transparent texture.

This works particularly well in still shots.  With animations, it takes a little work as you would want to keep the plane perpendicular to the camera.

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: Enterprise Refit (WIP)
« on: June 09, 2008, 07:06:30 pm »
Yup, tried all that.  Absolutely nothing at all.

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: Enterprise Refit (WIP)
« on: June 09, 2008, 02:26:06 pm »
Hmm, I might be missing something, but edge properties seems to have no effect whatsoever.

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: Enterprise Refit (WIP)
« on: June 06, 2008, 02:13:36 pm »
Hiho: What Kahlua said.  That about sums it up.  Also applying a texture with Anim8or's UV tools to a subdivide generally results in weirdness.

Tanzim: No, no problems at all - we're only talking about 35,000 polys here.  I've worked with models having several hundred thousand polys and even then the only lag involved has been in point-edit mode. 

Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum / Re: v0.97b Preview Ready
« on: June 05, 2008, 12:21:16 pm »
Awesome, thank you Steve.

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: Enterprise Refit (WIP)
« on: June 05, 2008, 12:15:00 pm »
Sure thing, Kahlua.  It's hard to make anything out in some areas because I've gone high-poly on this one, but here's some wires.  Much to my own surprise it's only about 35,000 polys, I thought it would be much more at this point.

General Anim8or Forum / Re: good bye
« on: June 05, 2008, 12:09:54 pm »
I would have to beg to differ on every one of your points regarding anim8or - granted it's not professional level like that 900 pound gorilla 3DStudio Max, but its capabilities are pretty incredible once you become intimately familiar with it.

At any rate, good luck with your modelling and take care. :)

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: Enterprise Refit (WIP)
« on: June 03, 2008, 12:13:16 pm »
Thanks Craksy. :)

This model wouldn't be particularly suitable for a game, as the poly count is far too high.  I'll probably throw together a low-poly version after this one is done.

Added the...thing underneath the saucer section.
(P.S. Please ignore the texture on the underside of the saucer, it's just a repeat of the top of the saucer as a placeholder.)

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