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Ian Ross has just released a book on Anim8or. It's perect for a beginner and a good reference for experienced users. It contains detailed chapters on every aspect, with many examples. Get your own copy here: "Anim8or Tutorial Book"

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Messages - 3Dgeek11

Pages: 1 ... 35 36 [37]
Hello everyone, I am new here, and I have started using anim8or about 3 weeks ago, at first, I was as lost as a chicken with his head cut off, (and that's about all I could make, lol) well, I started getting better, learning pathes, and learning how to create misc. stuff, I made a "box" person that his body was made of nothing but spheres, and tubes, and cylinders, and such etc. and then I got stuck at trying to take him apart and make individual objects, I got that part done perfectly, but when I went in the figure editor to bring him to life, I was "stumped" I read almost the whole manual, and I still couldn't make sense out of it, so, I was wondering, if anyone else out there had built a tutorial/manual like the official one, but made more for beginners, if anyone could try to help me with a in-depth tutorial or etc, I would be very thankful. :) Thanks, everyone! :)

P.S.  tomorrow, I will upload the little character I made up, he is pretty cool, and maybe someone else could make him a figure for me.
see you people,
3Dgeek (nice name?) haha

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