Olias: Thanx, that's a nice idea, but my final goal is to make movie episodes, I thinks it will rather difficult to reach always a realistic perspective.
floyd86: At first I used a half transparent cilinder for the glow effect, but in the animation I had some problem with the perspectiv so i mad a whole transparent cilinder around my red laser. Then I tried the V.97 with the ART. And the result was very good I think. Picture one...
I made a new green laser, with 4 cilinders and as you have said and give them some emessive and transparencies varies. Then I used ART again but this time it hasn't a such glowing effect like by picture one. Pircture two...
The red laser has a rounded start and end, maybe that's the reasen.
Update: I tried it out Olias
Picture 3...for the compare I took the green one, without light and the new red one together. (I had to put the light out, because the red laser becomes also green

It looks nice, maybe I take this one for my first trailer. But I will continue to make experiments with a laser model. But for the trailer I need to texture the cargo ship and this time I try to make only one map for the model