ENSONIQ5: Thanks. I enjoyed your animation work as well

. Inspired me to have a hand at trying animation, but I'm keeping that project a secret for now

Headwax: Yup, foramen, or foramina for plural

. Thanks for the crit. You're absolutely right. I've given it some serious thought since I read your post a few days ago, and it really is sort of easier to model things perfect for now. What I'm thinking about doing is completing the modeling, and then maybe porting it to ZBrush to add the sorts of imperfections you're talking about. Thank you for the thought you put into your reply - it's much appreciated, and even if it seems like I'm not taking your crit, it's definitely been noted

sciwizeh, flametiger74: Thanks - I'll be reworking the x-ray look as multiple materials since I don't believe it's possible to achieve it accurately with just one. Stay tuned for that one - might be closer to the end of the project than the beginning.
enzo: Thanks. I'll be the first one to say that it's a WIP and definitely not gallery-worthy yet! I'll try and work up a render that Steve can conisder adding. I'd be embarrassed to even propose it at this point, though. What would Steve think? I've got an idea for a render that I will submit in the next month or so, hopefully

And now, with apologies for the long wait due to my vacation, here are some updates! As I said earlier, I'd be working on the spinal column. It's just about finished, with one last big bone to model and a smaller appendage (the sacrum and the coccyx). Vertebrae feel like the hardest things I've ever modeled. It's
way easier to do a head! They're just oddly shaped little buggers and hard to get just right...still, I was extremely insistent on getting all the grooves and such modeled on every single one, so I spent a lot of polies on them:

And here's the first 24 of them linked up:

Poly count as of now, presubdivision: 28092 quads. C&C welcome as always.