Don't pick on Tanzim for asking you to read the manual and use google first.
Yes, the forum is to ask questions, but it tends to get irritating if people repeatedly ask simple questions that can be answered by reading the manual. The manual is there as a resource for you to learn. If the information you need is in there, other forum members would rather not have to spend their time answering a question that has been asked before or is in the manual. Frankly it's a waste of time and bandwidth.
It may be quicker for you personally to just ask simple questions, but it's very irritating for others.
It's only common courtesy to try to find out yourself first. You should see if you can find the answer in the manual, which could actually be faster than waiting for a reply. Or, search the forums to see if anyone has asked the question before. There are multiple forums as well as archives where your problem may have been addressed already.
Yes, the forum is a good place to ask questions, but not the questions that can be answered by a simple look into the manual, or by searching the web.
That should always be your first step.
rellik: Don't think this post is directed at you, I mean no offense in this, this is in response to many things as well as the questions posted here. It's not directed at you.