welcome back, cornestone!
i agree with hiho about needing a bit more differentiation between the models, especially between Dork and Cool. (Orca, obviously, is already differentiated quite enough!

) i'd suggest maybe making Dork a less stylish colour, maybe a grubby greenish-brown or something, or perhaps just grey, since blue is generally seen as one of the cooler colours out there (i think).
also, maybe you could give Cool an iPod and/or skateboard or something? It's true that you probably shouldn't use costume props as the
only way of differentiating characters, but they are still a valid way to help establish their social standing and things. in this pic, from a stopmo short i did in 2006, i differentiated the character of Arthur partly by the body design (he's half bald), partly by what he's wearing (old trousers and jumper), and partly by his props (wire-framed glasses, and a walking stick).

... but perhaps give her more of a presence of a chest. ...
on this, i disagree. penguins are birds (despite appearences, heheh

), and let's just say, there's no such thing as bird milk. there's
Birds Custard, but that's another thing altogether...

anyway, my point is, a 'chest' is a specifically mammalian feature, and there's no avian equivalent. cartoon animals, especially non-mammals, with unrealistically anthropomorphised (or rather gynomorphised?) chests really annoy me.
anyway... that's my two cent's worth

- colclough