Dear HiHosilver and Claude,
Thanks for the Input.
One of those DOH moments for me I guess

I have another question. Does anyone know how to the decipher or formulate the
VOODOO coordinates to make them useful for Anim8or? I would prefer to use Voodoo.
Icarus is straight forward as the
Rot_Quaterion is the Field used in Anim8or below:.....
# Camera track exported by ICARUS v2.09
Frame 120
0.000196255 7.85964e-011 0.000110603 -5.39229e-011
1.65442e-024 0.000196256 8.29519e-005 2.68306e-008
3.30884e-024 -5.29414e-023 0.00019552 2.31318e-009
6.94229e-006 -0.000131712 -1.18309e-005
1 1.2769e-021 1.69233e-020
-1.2769e-021 1 -2.70773e-019
-1.69233e-020 2.70773e-019 1
1.35387e-019 8.46166e-021 -6.38448e-022 1 focal_length: 3.78544
field_of_view: 58.8081 45.8249
pixel_aspect_ratio: 1
skew: 0.000113699
principal_point: 160 120
Voodoo for the same Frame is below......
# fov : Horizontal Field of View [degree] = (2*atan(0.5*Width*sx/f)*180/PI;
# (H0x, H0y, H0z) : RotationAxis0 [unit vector]
# (V0x, V0y, V0z) : RotationAxis1 [unit vector]
# -------------
# (x, y) : image coordinates [pel]
# (X, Y, Z) : 3D coordinates [mm]
# -------------
# Projection of 3D coordinates in the camera image:
# [ x' ] = [ Hx Hy Hz ] [ 1 0 0 -Cx] [ X ]
# [ y' ] = [ Vx Vy Vz ] [ 0 1 0 -Cy] [ Y ]
# [ z' ] = [ Ax Ay Az ] [ 0 0 1 -Cz] [ Z ]
# [ 1 ]
# or
# [ x' ] = [f/sx 0 ppx] [ H0x H0y H0z ] [ 1 0 0 -Cx] [ X ]
# [ y' ] = [0 f/sy ppy] [ V0x V0y V0z ] [ 0 1 0 -Cy] [ Y ]
# [ z' ] = [0 0 1 ] [ Ax Ay Az ] [ 0 0 1 -Cz] [ Z ]
# [ 1 ]
# then x = x'/z' and y = y'/z' , if the origin of the image coordinates is in the center of the image
# or x = x'/z' + 0.5*(Width-1) and y = y'/z' + 0.5*(Height-1) , if the origin of the image coordinates is in the upper left corner
# -------------
# Cx Cy Cz Ax Ay Az Hx Hy Hz Vx Vy Vz K3 K5 sx sy Width Height ppx ppy f fov H0x H0y H0z V0x V0y V0z
#timeindex 0
0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 1.0000000000 937.4999999971 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 1000.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0106666667 0.0100000000 320 240 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 10.0000000000 19.3703310328 1.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 1.0000000000 0.0000000000