3D Joe/Hiho
Hey well not to seem shady or anything but unfortunatly my harddrive crashed in early march. That was a big learning experience (always have backups) so unfortunatly I cannot supply you with any examples at the moment, but I will look into seeing if my friend still has a copy of a game I made early on in my learning stages.
Yeah anim8or was difficult for me when I first disscovered it so I moved to blener

(lol much worse) After that I realized how user friendly anim8or actually was and went back to it. I did some trial and error, and learned as I watched others progress on the old fourms(before the unfortunate shutdown). I now use both in cgi films and games.
Since I have no games to show you I guess I can show you some effects I've done with anim8or and other programs.
I dont know if this qualifies for anything but it's an example of something I've done with CGI.
I've been busy with personal matters so not alot of prograss has been made, but I will try to get something visual up soon. If I'm inactive for extended periods of time that means eather my internet is down or I'm working on something. I don't like when people say they will do something on fourms then just never post back. If I quit this project I will be sure to let you all know.
Will have an actual update soon.