the Colclough
That was really very good. I was cracking up. It's wonderful to see a well thought out story made into an animation. The character;s voices were a delight, especially the interviewing doctor. You did an awesome job of the sound effects and I think that really added another dimension.
The camera work, editing etc was superb.
The only slight crit I would have is the design of the character's legs were s little too simplistic. Maybe some feet would help?
Is it to be continued?
I hope so.

I hope you don't mind but I'll stick it in a thread in animanon?
BTW you might like to think about posting on Vimeo. Do the renderings at 640 by 480 or bigger, then make your wmv with your movie making software at 1024 by whatever, stick on VImeo and you will have a HD video for people to watch.