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Author Topic: adventures in abattoirville...  (Read 11030 times)


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adventures in abattoirville...
« on: November 07, 2008, 09:32:47 am »

this project has been shelved for the time being.
i hope to re-visit it sometime and start again.
there are 100's of errors in them.trying to make clothes correctly
being a big one.
the quality of the u tube videos aint so hot and they are quite sloppy.
and these footages are all that remain as i lost all my edited pieces of 10, 1 minute episodes and the
sound tracks that accompanied them [as i have wittered on about on a previous thread]
i just put them up so friends could have a look but thought you lot might enjoy
a look also.[/youtube]]http://www.[/youtube]]http://www.[/youtube]]http://www.
