Heya, per usual I disappeared for a while so I'm picking up from where I left off. I appreciate your c&c!
Mactetra: Dunno about making tutorials, everything I do is already tutorialed up in some shape or form, not to mention texturing isn't anim8or specific so it's as simple as googling. Seems to be a lot of comments about the colors I chose, I might desaturate it later on when I get back to it.
Dosser: It's 2700
triangles. The wireframe only shows the source mesh which hasn't been converted to triangles yet. Any triangulation you see were done by hand to control some areas that might not automatically triangulate the way I want it to.
floyd86: Originally I want the guy to be tribal, so adding small tribal stuff wouldn't hurt it in the long run, especially for a sidescroller. But it's all pending the direction I want to take it now that I've gone and veered off the trail again.
Guilherme Amorim,
KiwiNM8OR, and
3D Joe Wiltshire, thanks!
The Burlap ManWIP Render 5 (2752 Triangles)
To-Do: Rigging, Animation, Texturing Touch-up
Ok, as you can see I've gone ahead and ditched the original concept for the head. I've been googling burlap sacks here and there during my hiatus and found that it just wasn't feasible to use that kind of head shape, so I stuck with something less original yet proven in design.
So...now he just looks weird. To top it all off, I gave him a dressage hat (was gonna be a derby one, but it didn't look as slick

Moral of the story: If you make your own concepts, draw out what he'll look like textured as well, or get a clear idea ahead of time. Otherwise you'll wing it like me and get a character that looks like he's made from parts of 3 other characters.
But anyway, what's done is done. Time to draw out some of the lil' enemies and model 'em. I intend to come back and see if I have to match my old work with my new work once most of the set is complete, so for now this guy's labeled "complete" and ready for animation (maybe I'll give him a walking cane for a weapon).