floyd86: Thanks! I'm looking forward to getting Hum-V in the game and trying to get it to look like a real hummingbird flying (I've got ideas about the dynamics, just gotta learn the engine!

almost cool: Thanks but I finally found a good engine. I did look at panda3d though. It seemed pretty good but for the moment I needed something more...innovative for artists? Dunno but I found it

As for the cute counterparts question...I'm surprised no one asked sooner! Yeah, I do have to make their counterparts but first I'm going to redesign the Burlap Man from the neck down so that he looks a bit...cooler

. Fortunately the "cute" counterparts are easier to texture than the "gritty", so I can get this done anytime.
Dosser: I agree regarding getting anything from Anim8or into anything else, which is why I'm drifting farther and farther away from Anim8or.
Softimage released a free tool called the XSI Mod Tool, free for noncommercial use that I'm using right now. It's a dumbed down version of their high-end software, so I'm using it as an intro to the real deal before I go out and buy the full license. I'm just starting to learn how to model in there but I've already got the rigging and animation figured out

If you guys ever need a good program to transition from Anim8or with, I think XSI is one of the easier ones to work with.
Ell-EWIP Render 1 (820 Triangles)
To-Do: Gritty Texture, Rigging, Animation
So speaking of XSI, I finally was able to model everything but the hat in XSI Mod Tool. Could have done the hat as well but I added it in real quick during the uvmapping workflow (Anim8or has a role there). Unfortunately XSI is more box-modeling oriented so it's kind of hard on me (being a poly-by-poly guy), but I'm getting used to it.
The game engine I found is the
Shiva Game Engine. It's got great simplicity in all the right areas, for artists. It's not free for commercial use (no saving builds unless you buy the license), but the free learning edition is great with everything included. It supports the collada format, which XSI has no problem exporting. Too bad it looks like my request for collada/fbx support in Anim8or's going to be ignored since this and more than half of the more popular game engines I've used utilize one or the other of those formats in some way. Not to mention those formats aren't limited to just low poly works but saves just about anything

Enough griping and typing

Gritty version up next!