-A light ray particle intensifier-
Light rays pass through the first magnifying glass and are magnified and
directed to a second magnifying glass at the edge of the
ray chamber where more magnification takes place.
At stage 1com the wavelength of the ray is decreased whilst the frequency is
increased in the chamber when passing through the specially calibrated Diamond.
The ray is then compressed using a particle compressor(if it exists) and the compressed particles
are heated(energized) so much they produce high motion heated particles,at stage 2com.
At stage 3com the heated particles that are then let through straight metal pipes that make them straight
laser rays.The lasers are dangerous and can cut through almost anything.
Stages 2 and 3 can be ignored to create a laser light show
by adding more metal pipes with filters of different colors.
Atleast that's how it's supposed to work.
Hope it some day becomes a real scientist's invetion.