Raxx: i wish following Script to be listed here ( and a Link to my Post if possible ):
Description - Name of the Script.
* Alternate Face Select (Selective) -AlterFace_Ex.a8s
* Group Point/Vertex Slide (interactive) -GroupSlide.a8s
* Split a Point/Vertex -SplitPoint.a8s
* Merge Edge together -EdgeMerge.a8s
* Stabilize/Smooth Seam/Edge-Line/Joint/Loop -StabilizeSeam.a8s
* turn Mesh into Rhombic Form -RhombicForm.a8s
* turn Mesh into Grille/Lattice-like Form (auto) -FormGrille_Ex.a8s
* find Edge Ring Around Selection -EdgeRing.a8s
* find Face By Edge -EdgeFace.a8s
* Snap Point/Vertex by Average -SnapAvg.a8s
* find Edge loop around Selection -EdgeBorder_Ex.a8s
* find Edge Loop around Face Group -FaceBorder.a8s
* Swap two Object Location/Rotation -SwapObject.a8s
*recently NickE posted his 'Boolean Mesh' Script in 'Feature Request Thread', it is working great, please add it as well, thank you.