Chocobo? I'll believe the chicken part but a chocobo...

I admit I feel like modeling one now but does it even look like a distant relative? ...nah....
Suppastar, the more boring the better
headwax: Mostly I start working on the socket with a general idea on how it should be shaped, then I add the eye, then I shape the socket around it. Also, I don't usually use a perfect sphere either, I typically flatten it just a little bit (I don't think eyes are completely spherical in real life anyway). I'm going to be giving the eyes that slit-shaped pupil that lizards have, but I don't think I'll be doing much to the shape of the eye itself...though I'm thinking of a good solution for the eyelids. I don't plan on animating this right now but you never know.
Samukun, thanks!
hihosilver: Thanks, texturing would help give it the reptilian look he's supposed to have. I think the lack of the scaly skin was what helped make him look like a chicken. Can't say that I'm in full swing right now so who knows if I'll finish this one
lynn22, it's a beak-ish mouth

I'll be opening it up and giving him teeth and stuff soon enough.
floyd86, I agree with you the most out of everyone here. He
did look like a chicken, now he just looks like a...dinosaur thing.
Just showing you guys where I'm taking it. It's going to have a bipedal dinosaur body, something like