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Author Topic: Line Confusion!!!!  (Read 14152 times)


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Line Confusion!!!!
« on: January 18, 2009, 12:16:03 pm »

hey, im looking at a model a friend made, and im confused about this line:

i dont understand what the pink line means, ive never seen that before.

also, i thout that if a line is used, you cant use it to make a line directly off of it if the line is used from all ends. like this:

i hope that is a good enough explanation, and i hope someone can help me.

thanks in advance


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Re: Line Confusion!!!!
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2009, 01:05:48 pm »

the pink line means that the edge has only one face branching off from it.

if the line were red it would mean that the edge has no faces. a white line means that the edge has 2 faces, the maximum possible.

You can have as many edges branching off from a vertex(the end of a line) as you want.


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Re: Line Confusion!!!!
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2009, 02:06:41 pm »

Quote from: karate5662
the pink line means that the edge has only one face branching off from it.

if the line were red it would mean that the edge has no faces. a white line means that the edge has 2 faces, the maximum possible.

Almost :)

Green color is used when one face is attached, pink means there are 3 or more faces.

Red and pink lines should never appear in a finished model.


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Re: Line Confusion!!!!
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2009, 04:03:42 pm »

well, what i want to do really, is make hair for a model, but i dont really see any reason that the hair has to be all 3d, like have one face, and when textured, it has the texture on both sides, and is transparent so that if the hair does not go to the edges, its clear. but im not suer how to do it with Anim8or.

any help?


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Re: Line Confusion!!!!
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2009, 04:52:16 pm »

and about the add edge tool, can you add faces to a mesh using it?and eleborate on it bcoz in a sword modelling tutorial a mesh was made using this tool only ???
 how can this be done with other or for other meshes? does it act like a spline?
i have been trying to use this tool for a while but i still can't get it  ??? :-[
« Last Edit: January 18, 2009, 06:59:52 pm by Boywonda1 »
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Re: Line Confusion!!!!
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2009, 05:29:56 pm »

Quote from: Boywonda1
and about the add edge tool, can you add faces to a mesh using it?and eleborate on it bcoz in a sword modelling tutorial a mesh was made using this tool only :? how can this be done with for meshes?

To add a face you must first create all the edges, select them and click "Edit > Fill Holes" (or press Shift+j)

Quote from: hellblaze123
well, what i want to do really, is make hair for a model, but i dont really see any reason that the hair has to be all 3d, like have one face, and when textured, it has the texture on both sides, and is transparent so that if the hair does not go to the edges, its clear. but im not suer how to do it with Anim8or.

any help?

i kinda feel like Im not really sure if I understand what you wrote cuz your post, when i read it 10 times, and I try to read it word by word and such as, so I'm still confused you know...

Alright, seriously now... What was the question?  ???


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Re: Line Confusion!!!!
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2009, 05:52:10 pm »

Quote from: hellblaze123
well, what i want to do really, is make hair for a model, but i dont really see any reason that the hair has to be all 3d, like have one face, and when textured, it has the texture on both sides, and is transparent so that if the hair does not go to the edges, its clear. but im not suer how to do it with Anim8or.

any help?

i kinda feel like Im not really sure if I understand what you wrote cuz your post, when i read it 10 times, and I try to read it word by word and such as, so I'm still confused you know...

Alright, seriously now... What was the question?  ???

I belief he wants to use trans maps to create hair, am I right? This is a good way to create hair. Create a material with a hair texture and a good transmap that will make it look like hair and then apply it to several faces and shape it to a haircut.


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Re: Line Confusion!!!!
« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2009, 05:53:43 pm »

instead of making the hair multiple faces and connect them to make a figure, like fully 3d, make it only one face thick. like in this model here:

if you look at the flowing scarf looking thing, its only one or two faces, but they do not have sides, just one side. i hope thats better.


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Re: Line Confusion!!!!
« Reply #8 on: January 18, 2009, 11:50:24 pm »

To clear up all confusion about the edge colors:

White:  This means there are two faces attached to the edge, this is the maximum number of faces allowed to be attached to an edge for many reasons, one being that subdivision objects would no longer work.

Green:  This means there is one face attached to the edge, you can still have one more face sharing that one edge.

Pink:  This means that the edge is not attached to any face.  It is impossible for the edge to be attached to more than 2 faces.  It could be pink for a few reasons:
    You didn't attach any faces yet, perhaps you were simply using the add-edge tool, and haven't filled the holes yet.
    You filled holes but Anim8or filled them in strangely.  This would mean that there are multiple edges creating one face, but the edge you have selected is not a part of that face.  You can figure this out by selecting the face to see.

I wrote the tutorial, perhaps I can help you?  Send me a pm with some more detailed questions and let me know what you're doing and what's not working.


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Re: Line Confusion!!!!
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2009, 05:58:04 am »

Quote from: hihosilver
Pink:  This means that the edge is not attached to any face.  It is impossible for the edge to be attached to more than 2 faces.  It could be pink for a few reasons:
    You didn't attach any faces yet, perhaps you were simply using the add-edge tool, and haven't filled the holes yet.
    You filled holes but Anim8or filled them in strangely.  This would mean that there are multiple edges creating one face, but the edge you have selected is not a part of that face.  You can figure this out by selecting the face to see.

I hate to say you're wrong:

You can easily attach more than 2 faces to an edge using the "merge points" command but there's no point of doing that...


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Re: Line Confusion!!!!
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2009, 01:06:16 am »

Well it's always good to be knocked down a peg now isn't it? ;)

I actually never knew you could have 3 or more faces connected to an edge.  It's impossible with the fill holes command, though you appear to be right about the merge point command.  That's very interesting though, I had never realized that.  Perhaps that's also because the red edges are so similar to the violet edges, they both appeared the same to me until I examined the two next to each other.

Well, that's definitely very interesting, but I would still advise against people connecting more than 2 faces too an edge.

I'm wondering though, Steve, is this supposed to be allowed?  Is it just not possible for the fill holes command mathematically or what?