Hi Susan, welcome to the Anim8or community. You'll find pretty much everybody here is happy to help you with whatever questions you have or problems you come up against, but keep in mind that this forum does not move very quickly (we prefer to spend our computer time Anim8ing!) so please be patient. A couple of tips as well:
1) Acquaint yourself with the PDF manual, third link from the top at the left of this window. For those just starting with Anim8or it is your best friend. Have it open as a reference while you work, it has the answers to most of the questions you are likely to have.
2) Have a read through this forum. In all likelihood somebody else has come up against the same hurdle, and had their questions answered in a forum thread.
3) EXPERIMENT! Second only to the manual, experimentation is the best way to get a good understanding of the peculiarities of Anim8or (I mean that in the best possible way Steve!).
4) Google for tutorials. Many previous and current Anim8ors have dedicated hours of their time to recording lessons that can teach you everything from the basics through to complex modelling and rigging concepts. Some excellent tutorials are available on this site, but there are many others scattered across the web. (Note: Tutorials not specifically written for Anim8or may still be worth reading. In many cases the basic concepts are the same or similar, and workarounds can be devised to convert them to the Anim8or way of doing things.)
5) Post in the forums, here and on other Anim8or friendly sites. AnimAnon and CG-Nation (links at lower left) have excellent forums for the novice and accomplished alike (though I would recomment AnimAnon more because I am an admin there and I am totally biased!!). These sites run regular fun events like team projects and contests of various types, all of which can rapidly improve your skills while working with other animators of all experience levels.
I hope you enjoy using Anim8or and I hope it allows you to create the images in your mind. I can honestly say that I have never seen an animation of a baby's diaper among all the guns, knives, aliens and spaceships here, but it would be a nice change!