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Author Topic: Ani2Pov can now export to .ms3d (MilkShape3D)  (Read 5503 times)


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Ani2Pov can now export to .ms3d (MilkShape3D)
« on: February 28, 2009, 08:06:18 am »


Ani2Pov v0.60 can now export animated sequences to the binary file format of MilkShape3D (.ms3d).
Skinned meshes are not supported but you can convert animations such as the one of the "A Simple Walk" tutorial of the official Anim8or Web Site.
This file format is better than the MilkShape3D ASCII file format which was already supported. Data are more optimized.
Maybe is will add support for skinned meshes in the future.

.ms3d file can be read by a lot a 3D programs.

Any bug reports are welcome (i have not a lot of models for my tests).
