I can address a few.
- Tube tool: this is in fact a spline that goes following the path of another. This can be done in Anim8or, but a tube tool may be a good thing. This works this way: you draw a spline, then use the tube tool, and it becomes a tube. THis is great for doing iron forge things.
There is no exact "tube tool", but as you mentioned, you can extrude one spline along the path of another. To create a tube, you can simply create two circular splines, one inside the other, then join the splines ("Build>Join splines"), and extrude them along the path.
- Array tool: to make copies of an object but with transformations. This is great for example for stairs.
No, sadly there is no tool for this in Anim8or, and I know of no plugins/scripts for it either (there are some scripts where you can create arrays of objects along a path I believe, you may be able to find those on the forum (there is a tutorial using it somewhere on tank tracks.)
- Make Live Duplicate: make a copy of the object that changes if you change the original.
There is currently no tool for this, though I believe Steve is working on live mirroring, perhaps that would allow him to implement live instances as well.
- Boolean operations: union, extract, intersection, difference.
There is no tool within anim8or, but the newest version of
Terranim8or does have the capability (it is a bit buggy, but it still works.)
- Tree view of the objects of the scene
Anim8or does have this, if you look down at the bottom of the screen in scene mode there is a "+" sign by text that says "scene01" or has the name of your scene. Click that, then you can expand the tree by pressing the + by "world" and drag up the area with the bar on the left.
- Background image in the modeler, to watch while one works, as a reference
Go "Build>Reference image..."
- Randomize points: randomizes the points of the mesh.
I believe Claude or someone has a "noise" script which basically does this. You may find it by searching the forum.