Hey, everyone.

I know this may sound funny, but I want to know a few things about turbosquid.com.
First off, has anyone here sold anything on there before? I'm wanting to make a little money so I can get what (I) want.

Mostly, because all I ever get is an occasional surprise from my parents, and some money every now and then. But mostly all I'm entitled to is breakfast, lunch, dinner.

Just kidding, obviously, but that's almost how it is.
Anyway, to the point, I think I have good enough models to sell. And I was wondering, how much do they charge you to sell? I've heard that they deduct 50% on every sale. Is this true?
And also, are anim8or's exporting capabilities good enough to fit someone with 3ds Max, Maya, Lightwave, or whatever? I guess I mean the way it's UVmapped, or just a planar texture? I've exported to 3ds and obj and opened them in Blender and Gmax and they look fine, but what about commercial programs? Just wondering, thanks for any responses!
I'd really appreciate it, guys if you could shed some light on this little matter.