About debate over realistic lighting in space...
Yes, it is true that there is a stark light/dark contrast with things in space, but per my own space-ship bit, I found that such cases as these, where the star/sun is in the far foreground, the lighting on the ship would render the ship almost solid black, and the viewer spends much time just staring and wonder what is being seen. If you recall/watch this animation from the earliest stages of my space-ship video (
), you can see that the ship is nearly invisible, and yet even this had a very low level of ambient lighting. Thus, unless there is a specific want to create something dramatic and mysterious, barely viewable, some level of ambient/diffused lighting is almost necessary to make the scene more appealing to the eyes as opposed to being purely realistic...
Then again, perhaps the scene IS above some gas giant, planet or moon which would be unseen due to the direction from wich the light is coming, and thus catches that extra light, eh?