I need to make a figurehead for a ship - used the head, hands and feet from a Makehuman object - when attached to my model, Anim8or went strange - when I tried to fill holes or detach faces, it simply shut down - no warning or error message. Also slowed down badly. Once it was removed, all was fine again. Is Anim8or allergic to Makehuman? Possible tri's vs quads? If so, does anyone know of an app that I can use which is compatible?
I'm still trying to make faces with edge-looping, but am a long way from making passable feet and hands?
Edit: I have found a workaround - instead of attaching the Makehuman object to the model, I only introduce it at the scene stage and parent it with the model - that way it gets used, but does not become part of the model, so doesn't affect it.
Still I would like to hear from others who have used Makehuman - or similar, with Anim8or.