Hey there guys.
I've been playing with this, and the answer is actually really simple.
Don't replace the objects on the figure, replace the whole figure.
The experiment i did is a bit back to front, but;
I have a file with froyd in it. It also has a walk sequence, and a scene, with froyd walking. (added walk sequence).
Its about 200 frames, and froyd is walking and waving his arms around occasionally.
I exported froyd figure, and opened in a new file. Deleted all objects from figure mode, leaving just froyds bones. (rig)
Then i added new objects to the rig, and saved the figure under the same name. (froyd).
Opened up the first file,. and imported the new fig.
Anim8or asks if i want to replace froyd (original) with froyd (new). Click yes, and hey presto, theres the new froyd.
The sequence still works fine, and new froyd is doing everything that the old froyd was doing. Still in scene, walking and waving his arms around, but unrecognizable as the original froyd.
So, its actually that simple. I think there may be some issues with object names and materials, perhaps i, but nothing has come up this time.
notes: adding the new objects to the original froyd rig.
I added default cylinders and spheres. ie:Figure mode -> select bone -> build -> add cylinder
I added cylinders to arms, legs and neck, and spheres to torso, chest, head, hands and feet. I left the cylinder/sphere settings as default and just clicked ok. The result was the skinniest of stickmen, and he moves around at 100mph.
So, i should be able to do any animating, (sequences and scene) with this ultra skinny man, and replace him with froyd at a l8er date.

I'll try it some more.