Okay, so I've no idea if this will interest anyone else, but it's a thought that's been rattling round my head for a while now, and this seems to be the right opportunity.
I have to confess I've not been sufficiently excited by the last few challenges to get involved; I REALLY don't mean any offense, just that they weren't for me.
What I do have, however, is a hard disk filled with frikkin' half finished challenge entries from back when every challenge idea was awesome (again, to me - I'm really not trying to be rude!) and I'd have a thousand ideas of what to submit but I couldn't get any finished because of work commitments/personal projects/house moves/drive failures, etc, etc, etc ('life', as I believe it's commonly known).
How's about, pre-'e' release, we have a spring cleaning, clear-out challenge? Show us what you couldn't get finished, couldn't think how to get finished or went 'wrong' and knocked the wind right out of your sails just because your modifier didn't behave how you expected? I'd say something like three images per user (either vote on independently but only one vote per user, or submit as a set for collective voting - I don't know what the polling mechanism is capable of on SMF).
The only rules would be 'NO WORK'! You can't modify anything from where you left it when you reluctantly let it go and acknowledged quietly to yourself (maybe wiping away a tear of regret) that you weren't going to get it done, you just have to send it in as it stands on your hard drive (or zip or cloud or - heck - floppy). Nice and easy regarding time constraints. And you can't have submitted it as your FINAL entry (WIPs are fine) in any prior comp.
In doing so, we'll all be at the same point before the next release (and yes, boy am I a tad excited to hear a new one's imminent) without any lamenting 'if only I didn't have to
sleep', and we can then maybe have some future comps focused on the new features to get everyone learning them?
And that way, we can all vote for Raxx's dragon, like we wanted to in the first place, but couldn't because the blaggard didn't get it done in time.