Thanks guys!
Dosser; looking at reference images, i actually think its not shiny enough! they really are quite the reflective fruits :| You're right about the stem though, I didn't take too much time modeling, I just wanted to get the basic shapes done and work a bit more on the rendering.
Raxx; I have the same problem usually looking too long at a picture I'm making. I'm glad I didn't get it too wrong haha.
Jehovahenker: Thanks, I'm glad you like it! Giving all the light settings would be a bit much maybe, but I will give you a global insight
I have three spotlights lighting up the cherry and the floor around it, with a very soft shadow (at 100%), that are all the lights that cast shadows in the scene. two from one side, one from a different angle.
Three colored spotlights are aiming at the bottom of the wall in the back to get a mood going. Then there is a blue directional light to give some backlight on the cherry's left side. And a directional light for the highlight on the bottom.
I think that was all the lighting

The floor has a bump and reflects about 80%..
Thanks again! Glad you like it.