I'm new to the forum, but I've been using Anim8or on and off for about a year now. I've hit a hurdle I just can't figure out though, so I'm seeking expert advice here!
I'm trying to get the Extrude along a Spline feature to work properly, but its producing some bizarre results for me currently.
What I'm trying to model is a piece of 'pipe' which includes a fair number of smoothly-curved bends in it, going both horizontally, and vertically.
Using the Spline tools I've got my pathway drawn (see attachment #309), with a mixture of straights and curves. It follows the shape I'm after perfectly.
I then use the Curve Spline tool to make a separate, small, circle which I wish to extrude along that pathway in order to make the pipe.
I highlight the circle, choose Build>Extrude, then set the 'Axis' to 'Path' and click OK. Once the dialogue closes, I select the pathway and I get the weirdest danged results (see attachment #310)!
Can anyone try to explain to me -- in laymans terms please -- what I'm doing wrong and what I need to pay greater attention to in order to get this feature to work?
Thanks in advance for any assistance!