My not look quite like the ref images you're working from, but still looks very good.
Save a copy and try with morph targets, if its a concern.
The morphing function in Anim8or is really 'robust', so don't see any problems there.
Theres times when i've used morph targets to 'fix' a model.
Can be easier than fixing the model itself in cases where you already have morph targets assigned b4 you realise that something isn't quite right.
(eg: once i had an eye socket slightly too small for the eyeball. It was fine when looking staright ahead, but the eyeball 'popped out' the side a little bit when he looked sideways.
So i made a morph target called 'lefteyefix', which was actually just a target which 'swelled' the eyesocket a fraction , to cover the problem).
Lookin good rellik420