Here is a little Christmas present from me

As you surely know, the built-in "Mirror" command in Anim8or only works if you select a single mesh.
Would you like to be able to mirror several meshes at once? And what about mirroring spheres, cylinders and cubes? And parametric meshes! And subdivisions! And groups...
Now you can do that! Thanks to $imon, who gave me the idea to write this plugin...
The usage is quite simple. Select any number of shapes and run the script. The axis is determined from the GUI settings using these 3 buttons:

- If the "X" button is enabled, the X axis will be used.
- If the "X" button is disabled and the "Y" button is enabled, the Y axis will be used.
- Otherwise the Z axis will be used.
The current version of ASL has limited capabilities when working with groups, parametric meshes and subdivisions. If you mirror a group, the result will not be grouped. Parametric meshes and subdivisions are mirrored, but the result will be converted to mesh.
The script is attached below, I hope you'll find it useful. Any feedback is greatly appreciated!
Merry Christmas to all!