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Author Topic: Feature request: UV Editor  (Read 5932 times)


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Feature request: UV Editor
« on: February 05, 2010, 03:27:02 am »

It would be great to have a good uv editor.
The user could select one or several faces. Click on the "Open UV Editor" menu.
A window is displayed with the texture (in a quad).
On the texture the selected faces would be displayed (the uv of vertices would be used as position on the texture).
The user can select a vertex on the window and slide it to change the uv of the vertex in real time.
The window would also have 2 edit boxes to modify the uv coordinates (if the user want accurate and specific values).
If the uv coordinates are greater than 1.0. it would be packed to [0,1], but the edit boxes would display 8.0 instead of 1.0.

(several uv channel would also be greate).