Great job guys!
Very artistic
headwax. Lots of post production but it gets the job done, eh?
Indian8or, nice final you've got, the warm version does look a bit better.
Josmic8or, I like the fire he's breathing. Make sure you get that final render done in time!
Definitely like what you've got done there,
Johnar, gotta love chinese dragons

The background's a bit simple though. I think he'd fit nicely against some kind of vector art background or something simple, maybe chinese-spirited.
ADSohr, good entry, but also a simple background. Nice work though!
Well, I haven't died yet...I've made some major changes but I don't know if I can finish in time for the deadline. Still have the feet, wings, tail, mouth, touchups, scene modeling, texturing, rendering...but speaking of deadlines, make sure your final entries are in before midnight on Sunday (EST)!

[edit]the forum's image attachment keeps getting corrupted...[/edit]