lol. I'm not a morphing master. Anim8ors morphing setup makes it easy to make all sorts of morph adjustments, especially with the graph editor for real-time tweaking. I just like it so much that i spend 'quite a bit of time with it'. Its such a cool thing.

I'm trying to get pretty well rounded in all aspects of Anim8or, but things like texturing, lighting, realisim in renders etc, i actually suck at.

(even the morph tuts i've made aren't exactly the proper way to go. But thats another story))
Its cool that you don't think you'll use speech in your movie. (yet

You can still tell a good, entertaining tale/movie without it.
But let me know if you change your mind on that though, I might be able to help out. (Lip syncing is something that i have got pretty well worked out, but it can be a fairly long process...)
Keep up the good stuff.