i dont think figure's : bones are supported in asl yet ! i maybe wrong but muscle flex in controller scripts would be really cool
old tutorial(bone influence mode)
when double click the object in figure mode you can choose between bone influence and weights
weights is way more better because you can actually assign each point to each bone
rule 1 weights : when you add object to figure make sure it is bone01 because you can only assign weights to child bones that root outward from the bone that the object was assigned to i nick name it the (master bone)
multi bone skin tool is not as complex to use as it may sound
tip 1 like an analog clock face each point on the model will rotate around the bones axis that the point is assigned to when you paint the points using multi bone skin tool
tip 2 the more closer the points are to a child bones axis the less they need to move ,use build>weight brush ... settings to make influence to make lesser motion
tip 3 when painting weights make sure to paint from in centre to outward ,i mean as in parent and child joint bones should have more influence on points than the master bone or the point will not move