As to this chromakey work... Do you see it as being possible to do the TV effect, and have an appearance of a glass-screen over the video feed imagery? or am I pushing the effect at this point?
Not sure about wax 2, but defineately possible if the software has a decent chromokeyer, and a decent 'scale-type tool. (can't think of the name of itat the moment, but allows you to scale/crop the video.)
If it does both these things, then the possibilities are really cool.
I made a really cool magnifying effect, using a green-screen, track, a blue-screen track, a red-screen track, some real footage, for background, and a few other anim8or renderings on green background as well. The effect was a giant magnifying glass, and when it moved up the dudes body, the view through the glass is magnifyed. I'll make another one. Been meaning to go further with that.
Anyway, for a tv in the background, or foreground even,

, chromokeying will absoloutely do the job, no worries.
Depending on your footage to be put on the telly, if it was good enuff quality you could play around with adding a 0.1-0.2 transparencey 'screen onto the tv. Just enuff to give a slight reflection.
It really is worth looking into. Opens up horizons. If you're planning on making movies, with sound, you'll want to be able to edit stuff, so you're going to need a video editing software anyway. If you look to buy 1, or get it for a birthday/xmas prezzy or something,

, then defineately get 1 with chromokeying. You won't regret it.

Try somewhere like , or googling around for 'sony movie studio', or if you're lucky, 'sonic foundry vegas video 4.' Thats an oldie, but a real goodie, and you might be able to pick up somebodys old copy for cheap.
How am i going, twisting your arm here....