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Author Topic: Converting a mesh to script - is this possible?  (Read 17320 times)


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Converting a mesh to script - is this possible?
« on: May 28, 2010, 11:03:14 am »

The problem I encounter is following: I have some meshes drawn, that i want to have on script.
It will be difficult and time consuming to write each script on hand. Can it be made automatically?


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Re: Converting a mesh to script - is this possible?
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2010, 06:34:13 pm »

yes with in reason ,you need to be more specific on what the script has to do !

example of yes trinity export script
what it does is convert any mesh into a parametric shape plugin and allow you to merge 2 morph altered versions of same model


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Re: Converting a mesh to script - is this possible?
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2010, 01:51:19 am »

Ok, i will be more specific.
I'm working on a software, which can create a 3D model of the ship, according only of few parameters you enter.
The software automatically generates a script, which can be started at the anim8or.
I've already started with a ship hull script, you can see at this thread:
For now I've gone further, and now develop a C++ software with a graphical interface.
The concepts of the hull and superstructure creation are ok, and they works. But i want to have some predefined 3D models (like guns, projectors, wintches, anchors etc.) which can be added to the model. These models must be added as a part of the script. So i want them as a script. But it is easier to draw the models and somehow convert them to a subscript, which can be imported in the main generated script.

I've looked of the topics here and found that import scripts are not supported.
But I run to another idea - to make an EXPORT script which generated a SHAPE CREATION SCRIPT, i will use then :)
I think the idea will work and i will try now.

About my software - it is still on "concept proving" stage, but it works. I can publish a current build if someone interested, but it will need much more work to be a finished product.

« Last Edit: May 29, 2010, 01:54:22 am by NickD »


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Re: Converting a mesh to script - is this possible?
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2010, 03:47:25 am »

I've done it!
See the attached plugin.
It is first variant and imports only shape, not the materials and textures, but solves the problem.


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Re: Converting a mesh to script - is this possible?
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2010, 05:07:11 am »

good that you found solution you needed ,dont forget to let us know about your new software in general when ready to realease it


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Re: Converting a mesh to script - is this possible?
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2010, 01:00:32 pm »

Ok, for sure I will let you know!

But for now, the work goes slow, but steady.
It is still early to share the demo, but you can see two screenshots:

From the software:

Result in the 3D modelling software:

For now, type of the superstructure is only "Box", but this will change soon.
I've also readied (but not yet implemented) concept of adding prefedined elements (guns, radars, anchors etc.) and soon will activate this option.
For this option I asked my question above.

The better news here is that anyone, which can draw a gun, radar or something else will be able to add it into the software for use. And the process of adding will be EASY! :)
It will be some more work on the ship's hull forms, i will add different types of bows, sterns, rudders, shafts and propellers.
But this will take some more time too.

It is still period of refining the concepts, so if someone have wishes or suggestions, I will be glad to hear.


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Re: Converting a mesh to script - is this possible?
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2010, 09:29:43 pm »

very cool so hull generates like a lathe + fill function between vectors !


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Re: Converting a mesh to script - is this possible?
« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2010, 11:59:56 am »

A few screeneshots with new functionality added:

-screenshot from software

-render of automatically generated model


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Re: Converting a mesh to script - is this possible?
« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2010, 04:53:12 pm »

New superstructure shapes added to software, new objects are imported. I also managed to optimize script a little, reducing size of auto-generated code three times overall (it was my programing error)



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Re: Converting a mesh to script - is this possible?
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2010, 02:51:30 am »

software is looking really impressive


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Re: Converting a mesh to script - is this possible?
« Reply #10 on: September 28, 2010, 02:19:52 pm »

wow, really cool! the only thing thats missing: simulating the ship ;D


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Re: Converting a mesh to script - is this possible?
« Reply #11 on: September 28, 2010, 02:23:04 pm »

oh, and i would be honored if i can help you. ill post a ships propeller soon


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Re: Converting a mesh to script - is this possible?
« Reply #12 on: September 28, 2010, 02:35:41 pm »

Code: [Select]
/* mesh03*/
point3 $pts[202];
int $ptind[202];
$pts[0] = (0, -1.23873, 3.52838e-008);
$pts[1] = (0.47404, -1.14443, 3.52838e-008);
$pts[2] = (0.410531, -1.14443, -0.23702);
$pts[3] = (0, -1.23873, 3.52838e-008);
$pts[4] = (0.23702, -1.14443, -0.410531);
$pts[5] = (0, -1.23873, 3.52838e-008);
$pts[6] = (0, -1.14443, -0.47404);
$pts[7] = (0, -1.23873, 3.52838e-008);
$pts[8] = (-0.23702, -1.14443, -0.410531);
$pts[9] = (0, -1.23873, 3.52838e-008);
$pts[10] = (-0.410531, -1.14443, -0.23702);
$pts[11] = (0, -1.23873, 3.52838e-008);
$pts[12] = (-0.47404, -1.14443, 3.52838e-008);
$pts[13] = (0, -1.23873, 3.52838e-008);
$pts[14] = (-0.410531, -1.14443, 0.23702);
$pts[15] = (0, -1.23873, 3.52838e-008);
$pts[16] = (-0.23702, -1.14443, 0.410531);
$pts[17] = (0, -1.23873, 3.52838e-008);
$pts[18] = (0, -1.14443, 0.47404);
$pts[19] = (0, -1.23873, 3.52838e-008);
$pts[20] = (0.23702, -1.14443, 0.410531);
$pts[21] = (0, -1.23873, 3.52838e-008);
$pts[22] = (0.410531, -1.14443, 0.23702);
$pts[23] = (0, -1.23873, 3.52838e-008);
$pts[24] = (0.47404, -1.14443, 3.52838e-008);
$pts[25] = (0.875912, -0.875912, 3.52838e-008);
$pts[26] = (0.758562, -0.875912, -0.437956);
$pts[27] = (0.437956, -0.875912, -0.758562);
$pts[28] = (0, -0.875912, -0.875912);
$pts[29] = (-0.437956, -0.875912, -0.758562);
$pts[30] = (-0.758562, -0.875912, -0.437956);
$pts[31] = (-0.875912, -0.875912, 3.52838e-008);
$pts[32] = (-0.758562, -0.875912, 0.437956);
$pts[33] = (-0.437956, -0.875912, 0.758562);
$pts[34] = (0, -0.875912, 0.875912);
$pts[35] = (0.437956, -0.875912, 0.758562);
$pts[36] = (0.758562, -0.875912, 0.437956);
$pts[37] = (0.875912, -0.875912, 3.52838e-008);
$pts[38] = (1.14443, -0.47404, 3.52838e-008);
$pts[39] = (0.991109, -0.47404, -0.572217);
$pts[40] = (0.572217, -0.47404, -0.991109);
$pts[41] = (0, -0.47404, -1.14443);
$pts[42] = (-0.572217, -0.47404, -0.991109);
$pts[43] = (-0.991109, -0.47404, -0.572217);
$pts[44] = (-1.14443, -0.47404, 3.52838e-008);
$pts[45] = (-0.991109, -0.47404, 0.572217);
$pts[46] = (-0.572217, -0.47404, 0.99111);
$pts[47] = (0, -0.47404, 1.14443);
$pts[48] = (0.572217, -0.47404, 0.99111);
$pts[49] = (0.991109, -0.47404, 0.572217);
$pts[50] = (1.14443, -0.47404, 3.52838e-008);
$pts[51] = (1.23873, 0, 3.52838e-008);
$pts[52] = (1.07277, 0, -0.619364);
$pts[53] = (0.619364, 0, -1.07277);
$pts[54] = (0, 0, -1.23873);
$pts[55] = (-0.619364, 0, -1.07277);
$pts[56] = (-1.07277, 0, -0.619364);
$pts[57] = (-1.23873, 0, 3.52838e-008);
$pts[58] = (-1.07277, 0, 0.619364);
$pts[59] = (-0.619364, 0, 1.07277);
$pts[60] = (0, 0, 1.23873);
$pts[61] = (0.619364, 0, 1.07277);
$pts[62] = (1.07277, 0, 0.619364);
$pts[63] = (1.23873, 0, 3.52838e-008);
$pts[64] = (1.14443, 0.47404, 3.52838e-008);
$pts[65] = (0.991109, 0.47404, -0.572217);
$pts[66] = (0.572217, 0.47404, -0.991109);
$pts[67] = (0, 0.47404, -1.14443);
$pts[68] = (-0.572217, 0.47404, -0.991109);
$pts[69] = (-0.991109, 0.47404, -0.572217);
$pts[70] = (-1.14443, 0.47404, 3.52838e-008);
$pts[71] = (-0.991109, 0.47404, 0.572217);
$pts[72] = (-0.572217, 0.47404, 0.99111);
$pts[73] = (0, 0.47404, 1.14443);
$pts[74] = (0.572217, 0.47404, 0.99111);
$pts[75] = (0.991109, 0.47404, 0.572217);
$pts[76] = (1.14443, 0.47404, 3.52838e-008);
$pts[77] = (0.875912, 0.875912, 3.52838e-008);
$pts[78] = (0.758562, 0.875912, -0.437956);
$pts[79] = (0.437956, 0.875912, -0.758562);
$pts[80] = (0, 0.875912, -0.875912);
$pts[81] = (-0.437956, 0.875912, -0.758562);
$pts[82] = (-0.758562, 0.875912, -0.437956);
$pts[83] = (-0.875912, 0.875912, 3.52838e-008);
$pts[84] = (-0.758562, 0.875912, 0.437956);
$pts[85] = (-0.437956, 0.875912, 0.758562);
$pts[86] = (0, 0.875912, 0.875912);
$pts[87] = (0.437956, 0.875912, 0.758562);
$pts[88] = (0.758562, 0.875912, 0.437956);
$pts[89] = (0.875912, 0.875912, 3.52838e-008);
$pts[90] = (0.47404, 1.14443, 3.52838e-008);
$pts[91] = (0.410531, 1.14443, -0.23702);
$pts[92] = (0.23702, 1.14443, -0.410531);
$pts[93] = (0, 1.14443, -0.47404);
$pts[94] = (-0.23702, 1.14443, -0.410531);
$pts[95] = (-0.410531, 1.14443, -0.23702);
$pts[96] = (-0.47404, 1.14443, 3.52838e-008);
$pts[97] = (-0.410531, 1.14443, 0.23702);
$pts[98] = (-0.23702, 1.14443, 0.410531);
$pts[99] = (0, 1.14443, 0.47404);
$pts[100] = (0.23702, 1.14443, 0.410531);
$pts[101] = (0.410531, 1.14443, 0.23702);
$pts[102] = (0.47404, 1.14443, 3.52838e-008);
$pts[103] = (0, 1.23873, 3.52838e-008);
$pts[104] = (0, 1.23873, 3.52838e-008);
$pts[105] = (0, 1.23873, 3.52838e-008);
$pts[106] = (0, 1.23873, 3.52838e-008);
$pts[107] = (0, 1.23873, 3.52838e-008);
$pts[108] = (0, 1.23873, 3.52838e-008);
$pts[109] = (0, 1.23873, 3.52838e-008);
$pts[110] = (0, 1.23873, 3.52838e-008);
$pts[111] = (0, 1.23873, 3.52838e-008);
$pts[112] = (0, 1.23873, 3.52838e-008);
$pts[113] = (0, 1.23873, 3.52838e-008);
$pts[114] = (0, 1.23873, 3.52838e-008);
$pts[115] = (13.7901, 0.976737, -0.437482);
$pts[116] = (9.48159, 0.813942, -0.468732);
$pts[117] = (9.48159, -3.3468e-005, 1.84711e-005);
$pts[118] = (14.0979, -3.3468e-005, 1.84711e-005);
$pts[119] = (18.7142, -3.3468e-005, 1.84711e-005);
$pts[120] = (18.0987, 1.08527, -0.374982);
$pts[121] = (16.2521, 1.84498, -0.687482);
$pts[122] = (13.1746, 1.95351, -0.874982);
$pts[123] = (9.48159, 1.62792, -0.937482);
$pts[124] = (5.17305, 0.542617, -0.437482);
$pts[125] = (4.8653, -3.3468e-005, 1.84711e-005);
$pts[126] = (9.48159, 0.813942, -0.468732);
$pts[127] = (5.78856, 1.08527, -0.874982);
$pts[128] = (2.71103, 0.542617, -0.687482);
$pts[129] = (0.864517, 0.217027, -0.374982);
$pts[130] = (0.249012, -3.3468e-005, 1.84711e-005);
$pts[131] = (5.17305, -0.542684, 0.437518);
$pts[132] = (9.48159, -0.814009, 0.468769);
$pts[133] = (4.8653, -3.3468e-005, 1.84711e-005);
$pts[134] = (0.864517, -0.217094, 0.375018);
$pts[135] = (2.71103, -0.542684, 0.687518);
$pts[136] = (5.78856, -1.08533, 0.875018);
$pts[137] = (9.48159, -1.62798, 0.937519);
$pts[138] = (13.7901, -0.976804, 0.437519);
$pts[139] = (14.0979, -3.3468e-005, 1.84711e-005);
$pts[140] = (9.48159, -0.814009, 0.468769);
$pts[141] = (13.1746, -1.95358, 0.875019);
$pts[142] = (16.2521, -1.84505, 0.687519);
$pts[143] = (18.0987, -1.08533, 0.375019);
$pts[144] = (-6.59889, -12.7484, -0.437481);
$pts[145] = (-4.58561, -8.93571, -0.468731);
$pts[146] = (-5.29053, -8.52872, 1.9055e-005);
$pts[147] = (-7.59867, -12.5265, 1.93287e-005);
$pts[148] = (-9.90682, -16.5244, 1.96023e-005);
$pts[149] = (-8.65917, -16.534, -0.37498);
$pts[150] = (-7.07798, -15.3147, -0.68748);
$pts[151] = (-5.44523, -12.7037, -0.874981);
$pts[152] = (-3.88068, -9.34269, -0.937481);
$pts[153] = (-2.66632, -5.06874, -0.437481);
$pts[154] = (-2.98239, -4.5309, 1.87813e-005);
$pts[155] = (-4.58561, -8.93571, -0.468731);
$pts[156] = (-2.50412, -5.87311, -0.874981);
$pts[157] = (-1.43531, -2.93657, -0.687481);
$pts[158] = (-0.794018, -1.17465, -0.374981);
$pts[159] = (-0.674245, -0.533076, 1.85076e-005);
$pts[160] = (-3.60621, -4.52609, 0.437519);
$pts[161] = (-5.99546, -8.12173, 0.468769);
$pts[162] = (-2.98239, -4.5309, 1.87813e-005);
$pts[163] = (-1.16998, -0.957589, 0.375019);
$pts[164] = (-2.3752, -2.39392, 0.687519);
$pts[165] = (-4.38391, -4.78781, 0.875019);
$pts[166] = (-6.70038, -7.71474, 0.937519);
$pts[167] = (-8.29071, -11.7716, 0.437519);
$pts[168] = (-7.59867, -12.5265, 1.93287e-005);
$pts[169] = (-5.99546, -8.12173, 0.468769);
$pts[170] = (-8.82886, -10.7502, 0.875019);
$pts[171] = (-10.2736, -13.4697, 0.687519);
$pts[172] = (-10.539, -15.4487, 0.37502);
$pts[173] = (-8.29071, 11.7716, -0.437482);
$pts[174] = (-5.99545, 8.12167, -0.468732);
$pts[175] = (-5.29053, 8.52865, 1.78873e-005);
$pts[176] = (-7.59867, 12.5265, 1.76136e-005);
$pts[177] = (-9.90682, 16.5243, 1.73399e-005);
$pts[178] = (-10.539, 15.4486, -0.374983);
$pts[179] = (-10.2736, 13.4696, -0.687482);
$pts[180] = (-8.82886, 10.7501, -0.874982);
$pts[181] = (-6.70038, 7.71468, -0.937482);
$pts[182] = (-3.60621, 4.52603, -0.437482);
$pts[183] = (-2.98239, 4.53083, 1.8161e-005);
$pts[184] = (-5.99545, 8.12167, -0.468732);
$pts[185] = (-4.38391, 4.78774, -0.874982);
$pts[186] = (-2.3752, 2.39386, -0.687482);
$pts[187] = (-1.16998, 0.957522, -0.374982);
$pts[188] = (-0.674245, 0.533009, 1.84346e-005);
$pts[189] = (-2.66631, 5.06868, 0.437518);
$pts[190] = (-4.58561, 8.93564, 0.468768);
$pts[191] = (-2.98239, 4.53083, 1.8161e-005);
$pts[192] = (-0.794017, 1.17458, 0.375018);
$pts[193] = (-1.43531, 2.93651, 0.687518);
$pts[194] = (-2.50412, 5.87305, 0.875018);
$pts[195] = (-3.88068, 9.34263, 0.937518);
$pts[196] = (-6.59889, 12.7483, 0.437518);
$pts[197] = (-7.59867, 12.5265, 1.76136e-005);
$pts[198] = (-4.58561, 8.93564, 0.468768);
$pts[199] = (-5.44523, 12.7037, 0.875018);
$pts[200] = (-7.07798, 15.3146, 0.687517);
$pts[201] = (-8.65917, 16.5339, 0.375017);

point3 $tri[264];
$tri[0] = (0,2,1);
$tri[1] = (3,4,2);
$tri[2] = (5,6,4);
$tri[3] = (7,8,6);
$tri[4] = (9,10,8);
$tri[5] = (11,12,10);
$tri[6] = (13,14,12);
$tri[7] = (15,16,14);
$tri[8] = (17,18,16);
$tri[9] = (19,20,18);
$tri[10] = (21,22,20);
$tri[11] = (23,24,22);
$tri[12] = (2,25,1);
$tri[13] = (2,26,25);
$tri[14] = (4,26,2);
$tri[15] = (4,27,26);
$tri[16] = (6,27,4);
$tri[17] = (6,28,27);
$tri[18] = (8,28,6);
$tri[19] = (8,29,28);
$tri[20] = (10,29,8);
$tri[21] = (10,30,29);
$tri[22] = (12,30,10);
$tri[23] = (12,31,30);
$tri[24] = (14,31,12);
$tri[25] = (14,32,31);
$tri[26] = (16,32,14);
$tri[27] = (16,33,32);
$tri[28] = (18,33,16);
$tri[29] = (18,34,33);
$tri[30] = (20,34,18);
$tri[31] = (20,35,34);
$tri[32] = (22,35,20);
$tri[33] = (22,36,35);
$tri[34] = (24,36,22);
$tri[35] = (24,37,36);
$tri[36] = (26,38,25);
$tri[37] = (26,39,38);
$tri[38] = (27,39,26);
$tri[39] = (27,40,39);
$tri[40] = (28,40,27);
$tri[41] = (28,41,40);
$tri[42] = (29,41,28);
$tri[43] = (29,42,41);
$tri[44] = (30,42,29);
$tri[45] = (30,43,42);
$tri[46] = (31,43,30);
$tri[47] = (31,44,43);
$tri[48] = (32,44,31);
$tri[49] = (32,45,44);
$tri[50] = (33,45,32);
$tri[51] = (33,46,45);
$tri[52] = (34,46,33);
$tri[53] = (34,47,46);
$tri[54] = (35,47,34);
$tri[55] = (35,48,47);
$tri[56] = (36,48,35);
$tri[57] = (36,49,48);
$tri[58] = (37,49,36);
$tri[59] = (37,50,49);
$tri[60] = (39,51,38);
$tri[61] = (39,52,51);
$tri[62] = (40,52,39);
$tri[63] = (40,53,52);
$tri[64] = (41,53,40);
$tri[65] = (41,54,53);
$tri[66] = (42,54,41);
$tri[67] = (42,55,54);
$tri[68] = (43,55,42);
$tri[69] = (43,56,55);
$tri[70] = (44,56,43);
$tri[71] = (44,57,56);
$tri[72] = (45,57,44);
$tri[73] = (45,58,57);
$tri[74] = (46,58,45);
$tri[75] = (46,59,58);
$tri[76] = (47,59,46);
$tri[77] = (47,60,59);
$tri[78] = (48,60,47);
$tri[79] = (48,61,60);
$tri[80] = (49,61,48);
$tri[81] = (49,62,61);
$tri[82] = (50,62,49);
$tri[83] = (50,63,62);
$tri[84] = (52,64,51);
$tri[85] = (52,65,64);
$tri[86] = (53,65,52);
$tri[87] = (53,66,65);
$tri[88] = (54,66,53);
$tri[89] = (54,67,66);
$tri[90] = (55,67,54);
$tri[91] = (55,68,67);
$tri[92] = (56,68,55);
$tri[93] = (56,69,68);
$tri[94] = (57,69,56);
$tri[95] = (57,70,69);
$tri[96] = (58,70,57);
$tri[97] = (58,71,70);
$tri[98] = (59,71,58);
$tri[99] = (59,72,71);
$tri[100] = (60,72,59);
$tri[101] = (60,73,72);
$tri[102] = (61,73,60);
$tri[103] = (61,74,73);
$tri[104] = (62,74,61);
$tri[105] = (62,75,74);
$tri[106] = (63,75,62);
$tri[107] = (63,76,75);
$tri[108] = (65,77,64);
$tri[109] = (65,78,77);
$tri[110] = (66,78,65);
$tri[111] = (66,79,78);
$tri[112] = (67,79,66);
$tri[113] = (67,80,79);
$tri[114] = (68,80,67);
$tri[115] = (68,81,80);
$tri[116] = (69,81,68);
$tri[117] = (69,82,81);
$tri[118] = (70,82,69);
$tri[119] = (70,83,82);
$tri[120] = (71,83,70);
$tri[121] = (71,84,83);
$tri[122] = (72,84,71);
$tri[123] = (72,85,84);
$tri[124] = (73,85,72);
$tri[125] = (73,86,85);
$tri[126] = (74,86,73);
$tri[127] = (74,87,86);
$tri[128] = (75,87,74);
$tri[129] = (75,88,87);
$tri[130] = (76,88,75);
$tri[131] = (76,89,88);
$tri[132] = (78,90,77);
$tri[133] = (78,91,90);
$tri[134] = (79,91,78);
$tri[135] = (79,92,91);
$tri[136] = (80,92,79);
$tri[137] = (80,93,92);
$tri[138] = (81,93,80);
$tri[139] = (81,94,93);
$tri[140] = (82,94,81);
$tri[141] = (82,95,94);
$tri[142] = (83,95,82);
$tri[143] = (83,96,95);
$tri[144] = (84,96,83);
$tri[145] = (84,97,96);
$tri[146] = (85,97,84);
$tri[147] = (85,98,97);
$tri[148] = (86,98,85);
$tri[149] = (86,99,98);
$tri[150] = (87,99,86);
$tri[151] = (87,100,99);
$tri[152] = (88,100,87);
$tri[153] = (88,101,100);
$tri[154] = (89,101,88);
$tri[155] = (89,102,101);
$tri[156] = (91,103,90);
$tri[157] = (92,104,91);
$tri[158] = (93,105,92);
$tri[159] = (94,106,93);
$tri[160] = (95,107,94);
$tri[161] = (96,108,95);
$tri[162] = (97,109,96);
$tri[163] = (98,110,97);
$tri[164] = (99,111,98);
$tri[165] = (100,112,99);
$tri[166] = (101,113,100);
$tri[167] = (102,114,101);
$tri[168] = (115,117,116);
$tri[169] = (115,118,117);
$tri[170] = (115,119,118);
$tri[171] = (115,120,119);
$tri[172] = (115,121,120);
$tri[173] = (115,122,121);
$tri[174] = (115,123,122);
$tri[175] = (115,116,123);
$tri[176] = (124,117,125);
$tri[177] = (124,126,117);
$tri[178] = (124,123,126);
$tri[179] = (124,127,123);
$tri[180] = (124,128,127);
$tri[181] = (124,129,128);
$tri[182] = (124,130,129);
$tri[183] = (124,125,130);
$tri[184] = (131,117,132);
$tri[185] = (131,133,117);
$tri[186] = (131,130,133);
$tri[187] = (131,134,130);
$tri[188] = (131,135,134);
$tri[189] = (131,136,135);
$tri[190] = (131,137,136);
$tri[191] = (131,132,137);
$tri[192] = (138,117,139);
$tri[193] = (138,140,117);
$tri[194] = (138,137,140);
$tri[195] = (138,141,137);
$tri[196] = (138,142,141);
$tri[197] = (138,143,142);
$tri[198] = (138,119,143);
$tri[199] = (138,139,119);
$tri[200] = (144,146,145);
$tri[201] = (144,147,146);
$tri[202] = (144,148,147);
$tri[203] = (144,149,148);
$tri[204] = (144,150,149);
$tri[205] = (144,151,150);
$tri[206] = (144,152,151);
$tri[207] = (144,145,152);
$tri[208] = (153,146,154);
$tri[209] = (153,155,146);
$tri[210] = (153,152,155);
$tri[211] = (153,156,152);
$tri[212] = (153,157,156);
$tri[213] = (153,158,157);
$tri[214] = (153,159,158);
$tri[215] = (153,154,159);
$tri[216] = (160,146,161);
$tri[217] = (160,162,146);
$tri[218] = (160,159,162);
$tri[219] = (160,163,159);
$tri[220] = (160,164,163);
$tri[221] = (160,165,164);
$tri[222] = (160,166,165);
$tri[223] = (160,161,166);
$tri[224] = (167,146,168);
$tri[225] = (167,169,146);
$tri[226] = (167,166,169);
$tri[227] = (167,170,166);
$tri[228] = (167,171,170);
$tri[229] = (167,172,171);
$tri[230] = (167,148,172);
$tri[231] = (167,168,148);
$tri[232] = (173,175,174);
$tri[233] = (173,176,175);
$tri[234] = (173,177,176);
$tri[235] = (173,178,177);
$tri[236] = (173,179,178);
$tri[237] = (173,180,179);
$tri[238] = (173,181,180);
$tri[239] = (173,174,181);
$tri[240] = (182,175,183);
$tri[241] = (182,184,175);
$tri[242] = (182,181,184);
$tri[243] = (182,185,181);
$tri[244] = (182,186,185);
$tri[245] = (182,187,186);
$tri[246] = (182,188,187);
$tri[247] = (182,183,188);
$tri[248] = (189,175,190);
$tri[249] = (189,191,175);
$tri[250] = (189,188,191);
$tri[251] = (189,192,188);
$tri[252] = (189,193,192);
$tri[253] = (189,194,193);
$tri[254] = (189,195,194);
$tri[255] = (189,190,195);
$tri[256] = (196,175,197);
$tri[257] = (196,198,175);
$tri[258] = (196,195,198);
$tri[259] = (196,199,195);
$tri[260] = (196,200,199);
$tri[261] = (196,201,200);
$tri[262] = (196,177,201);
$tri[263] = (196,197,177);

/* mesh initialization */
shape $ObjMesh; $ObjMesh= mesh(); $ObjMesh.loc = (0, 0, 0); $ObjMesh.Open();
int   $i;
for $i = 0 to 201 step 1 do {
    $ptind[$i] = $ObjMesh.AddPoint($pts[$i]);

for $i = 0 to 263 step 1 do {
    $ObjMesh.OpenFace(0, 0);

/* End of file "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Max\Desktop\test.txt"*/