rellik420,hihosilver hit the nail on the head (IMOP)....I have to agree with both of them.
But, most people who know me I wont stop untill I can find away to use anim8or with other software. so here it goes.
neodelito said.
i try to import one model (made in anim8or and export to obj) and no god news.
This is the work around for that:
1: before you import your object into sculptris you have to subdivide it a few times in Anim8or.
2: make sure there are no UV assigned to the object.
3: make sure your object has no HOLES!!!!!...these are bad..and will crash the program most of the time.
this should work..once the object is in sculptris use the smooth tool on it's lowest setting.( be very careful when you use this tool on Anim8or objects.)
hihosilver said:
The thing is, being an organic modeler I wish it had some kind of a retopologize tool.
only in a perfect world my hope to get this as well......I am looking around for a free retopologize tool or something similar. I tried to see if I could do this in Anim8or at one time. Something like a reference image to model around. I think it would work if I could find a way to turn off the wire frame on the object I am modeling around..but we cant do that. I get confused on which point iam trying to move....also I group the object first so I would move the object iam was using for a reference.. I pray Steve never takes that out. It very handy to have..
and yes this program has a built in UV mapper and painter/texture...once your finished modeling your object then use the poly reduction tool then hit the paint button....paint/texture your object then export your texture map.... I also have to metion I have used all most every 3D/paint software out there, freeware and demo and this painter is very powerful. and its FREE
My first love is Anim8or and all ways will be.
THE END..................................
ok my book is done, till next time