Hey folks. Bit of a story for ya. My sister is in the Great Dark Horde (Mongolians) in the SCA. Her and a few of her Horde buddies decided to get together and make a bowling league. They named themselves the Mongolian Gutter Ball. My sister asked me if I could make some sort of 3D graphic so they could print them out and iron them on the backs of shirts. I wasn't really given any specifics, and almost infinite freedom on this project. My idea was a bowling ball with the GDH symbol on it, in the gutter in a bowling lane. After some thought, I realized the most Mongolian response of a gutter ball would be a flight of arrows.
I am now done with this project, and will not be revising it. All the same, I appreciate any C&C, as I can use lessons learned in future projects. Thanks in advance.