The animation of the character was excellent!
Just a bit of advice from a amateur pilot though; few aircraft could perform those aerobatics, especially as quickly as you had it portrayed. That plane in the real world is a sluggish transport, and would not be designed for any kinds of advanced manuevering. Also when planes do a simple roll, it takes a masterfull pilot in an overpowered aircraft in order to keep the plane going straight and level. When planes are upside-down, especially big transports like that, their noses tends to fall towards the ground due to the wing's aerodynamic lift pushing downwards. If you get the chance, try watching some videos of similar planes in Microsoft Flight Simulator. It'll show you about what those planes are capable of. I would slow down the animation to a more realistic level. Look for statistics about the turn rates and radii of different aircraft. I know an F-15, a powerful fighter plane, cannot get into a tailspin(where the plane rotates around it's nose and falls like a brick) without the pilot getting very nervous as to whether he can get out of it. A cargo plane has even more to worry about since it will not have the thrust to push out of a tailspin.
Here is a link to a site that shows the basics of flight. It might help you alot with the manuevers and timing. know it is alot to learn, but all of it will make your flying animation much better.