can anyone tell me what is going here???(attached image) I'm trying to draw a circle with ASL, but for some(probbly simple) reason, it only draws verti(?) up to 251...the circle is supposed to have 360 points and vertices...
here's the partial code:
$z=0; $inc = ($z*PI)/180; $x = 0; $y = 0;
for $i = 0 to 360 do
$x = cos($inc)*$h; $y = sin($inc)*$h;
$circle.VertexN($circle.AddPoint(($x, $y, 0)));
$z = $z+1;
$inc = ($z*PI)/180;
I can't figure it out, it draws the full circle if I use 2 degree increments, but not with one...grrrrrrr
as you can see, I'm only getting about 70% of the circle... but all the points are there????javascript:void(0);