just taken the new version for another spin - this time i found the aspect ratio / movie resolution presets panel, and i'm loving it.
oops... *pays royalty to mcdonalds for using their catchphrase* 
could i suggest adding a few more presets in the next release? 5:4 720x576 (PAL fullframe), 16:9 1024x576 (PAL widescreen), 16:9 1280x720 (720p HD), and 16:9 1920x1080 (1080p HD). also, you mistyped the label on the first 4:3 preset button, it should say 320x240 (which is a 4:3 ratio, and is what actually displays in the boxes), rather than 320x200 (which would actually be 8:5).
on the subject of rendering, i have another little suggestion for 0.97d: when rendering an image larger than the workspace, whether still or video, it would be good to have scrollbars, so we can move up and down and/or side-to-side, and view all parts of the image, rather than being forced to just see a cropped segment from the centre of the image.
and when rendering video, i liked the old-style progress bar, where you could see overall video progress, rather than the current setup, where it shows progress on the current frame only, and restarts on each new frame. could we either have an option to pick which we prefer, or (even better), have both at once for video renders? just a minor thing, that one, but it'd be appreciated by at least one user...

- colclough
*edit* do you plan on making the aspect/resolution presets also affect still renders too in a later version, or just video renders?