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Author Topic: v0.97 Preview Ready (With ART Ray Tracer!)  (Read 201935 times)


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Re: v0.97d Preview Ready
« Reply #120 on: March 06, 2010, 12:31:13 pm »

I agree with most of your requests, those are the small things that would make our lives so much easier... However, some of your wishes are definitely not going to be fulfilled.

There are at least 2 very good reasons why this is a nonsense.
First, it's never a good idea to change the file format unless absolutely necessary. Every such change brings problems with backwards compatibility... Why do you think so many people hate Microsoft? (hint: .doc vs .docx)
Second, why the hell does the .an8 file need to be user friendly? In fact the .an8 format is very user friendly compared to most other file formats, but it's primary purpose is to store data for Anim8or, not for the user. Anim8or (just like any other 3D program) uses quaternions internally because they are very easy to use from programmer's point of view (compared to human-readable angles). That's why quaternions are stored in the .an8 file...

I am not entirely sure what you mean, but most of tools/buttons in Anim8or have an equivalent keyboard shortcut defined. This might be what you are looking for:

#12 - #14:
I think something must be wrong with your workflow process.
When you change an uv-mapped and textured mesh, you have to redo the texture as well.
When you have a skinned figure and you change the original mesh, you have to redo the skinning.
Now ask yourself - why should morph targets be different? Just make sure you finish the basic mesh and then start working on your morph targets...

I don't agree with this one. In many cases I want to edit a keyframe in graph editor without switching the currently displayed frame.

This is very complicated... Even if it was possible to launch an external program from an ASL script, it wouldn't help much. What do you think would happen once the external program is launched? If the program edited the currently opened Anim8or project, there is no way to make the changes appear in Anim8or. You would have to save the changes in the program and then restart Anim8or and this really doesn't speed up the process...

Check the RPYToQuaternion() function, I believe it does exactly what you need. Also there is also a formula that allows you to convert a quaternion to axis and angle (and vice-versa):

Like I said, I agree with most of your requests... I especially like #10, I never thought of that but you are right that it would help a lot. And #27 is quite high on my wishlist!

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Re: v0.97d Preview Ready
« Reply #121 on: March 07, 2010, 01:10:26 am »

#17 -> RMB, w/ single- or multi-select

wacky blend

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Re: v0.97d Preview Ready
« Reply #122 on: March 07, 2010, 07:35:48 am »

Hello Steve,

Being a spoiled Blender brat, could you make the GUI just a bit more flexible?  I would like to see some color options at least.  I like working in a gray neutral background.  Being able to customize (remap) the hot-keys would be nice too.  That feature is just coming out in Blender 2.5 beta, so I still can't even do that with my current 2.49 version.  Other than that, I think you're doing a wonderful job working by all by yourself and I could never compare your work scale to the entire Blender Foundation.  ;D



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Re: v0.97d Preview Ready
« Reply #123 on: March 09, 2010, 01:32:23 pm »

Hi Kubajzz,
Thanks for replying to my lengthy post. I understand some of my suggestions may not be worth the effort.
In any case, let me try to explain where I am coming from.
#3. You are right, it is impossible to significantly change a file’s format and still be backwards compatible. I guess it all depends on what is more important. As for why I like to see the file format be user friendly is simply because I often manipulate the data in the files. For instance – If I want a row of objects in my scene that are perfectly aligned, it is much easier (now) to just create the data text manually and pasting it in the file. Then load the file into Anim8or. This way the coordinates and orientation data of all the objects are all right in front of you making it easy to adjust the values. Alternatively, using the Scene Editor, only a few objects’ coordinates and angles can be seen at any given time. If accuracy is not an issue, then the Scene Editor works great as it is. As for me, I hate Word docs because they are cryptic, while I cannot remember having issues with backwards compatibility. But then, that may just be me.

As for number #9, I guess I was thinking of the Edit->Locate, Edit->Rotate functions. Seems these are used enough to warrant shortcut keys or buttons. Actually, some of the Edit options are used enough where it would be nice to have buttons for them. I often turn the grid on/off, so a button to do that would be nice as well.

#12. This one may be difficult to do. What I was thinking is what if after I add many Morph Targets to an object, I realize the default look for the object should be one of those Morph Targets. If I can simply change the default form of the object, I could save myself a lot of work. Maybe experienced people would never make this mistake, so this may not be worth implementing.

#13. Mirror morph targets along with a mirrored mesh?
If I create a symmetrical object, it is often easier to create half, then mirror the object. The same can be said with symmetrical morphs (Am I wrong?).

#14. Warn user if an action would result in morph targets getting corrupted/lost?
Maybe this comes from not knowing the tool very well. You are right, the workaround here is to finish the mesh first before adding morphs. Again, that may be easy for someone experienced. Unfortunately, what I found is when I begin adding morphs, sometimes I need to tweak the original mesh. Then deleting a point corrupts the morph targets. I once converted a mesh to Subdivision (not knowing any better) and you know what happened. A simple warning would have been appreciated.

#29. You may be right, it may be better the way it is. I was just looking for a user selectable option here to do it either way.

As for #31. I guess you may be right. I understand it could depend on the programming tool that is used. I have done this quite easily using MS Visual Studio. And you are also right, it would only be useful if we can easily reload the manipulated files. I am not sure how this can easily be done. Perhaps the script could have a function do that automatically somehow (Not sure if it would be possible to sense when a third party app closes or if a file has changed)?

Anyway, these are all just suggestions, as I actually think Anim8or is great already.


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Re: v0.97d Preview Ready
« Reply #124 on: April 01, 2010, 09:07:19 pm »

 #3. I don't think there would really be a major concern over backwards compatibility considering that it is a completely free program. Import would be able to open older files, and there shouldn't be any issues for downloading the version that would run the newer files.


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Re: v0.97d Preview Ready
« Reply #125 on: April 02, 2010, 01:05:46 pm »

I don't know how difficult it is to change the file syntax, but I believe it is difficult enough to be avoided whenever possible. For example several common identifiers in the .an8 format are misspelled ("ambiant", "parameteric"), but Steve didn't change them, because there was no really good reason to do it. Again, the .an8 format is primarily designed for the Anim8or parser and I don't think the parser does care of proper spelling.

The .an8 format is not fully backwards compatible, if you try to open a new .an8 file in a very old version of Anim8or, it will most probably fail because there have been a few breaking changes over the years (new material and texture settings, subdivision shapes, morph targets, painted weights, controller scripts...), but all these changes were necessary...


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Re: v0.97d Preview Ready
« Reply #126 on: April 12, 2010, 04:22:26 am »

I have a bug that would be nice if it could be gotten rid of; when I join a lot of objects (more than.. 20 maybe?) The combined object won't cast shadows in a render.
I'm not completely sure how to recreate the problem, since it doesn't always have the same result. i will fiddle around with it for a bit.

Now I can avoid it by dividing the large object up in smaller parts again (select > Detach Faces), but by doing that I lose the edge-information (smooth/creased)

So fixing either one would solve the problem. Hope you have time for it Steve! Thanks so much.


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Re: v0.97d Preview Ready
« Reply #127 on: April 19, 2010, 10:57:09 pm »

Maybe the next version will have some render speeder. Unfortunately, rendering in AO take a lot of time for everybory, I have a very decent conputer, but still... I have to wait about 3 hours for a 10 seconds render.
When i make render tests, waiting time is bad, because sometimes we have dead line time.


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Re: v0.97d Preview Ready
« Reply #128 on: April 25, 2010, 11:21:47 pm »

Awesome! After this preview I can now use Anim8or on my computer running Vista. Thank You Steve.


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Re: v0.97d Preview Ready
« Reply #129 on: April 26, 2010, 12:27:42 pm »

Just a thought on Rendering issues. What I have seen is that using lights and shadows greatly slows down the rendering. I do all my test renderings without shadows. Then add shadows to the final cut. I do not see any way to "globally" turn shadows on/off other than commenting out the relevant lines of the .an8 file with an editor. It would be nice if there was a way to globally control lights/shadows using the GUI if the rendering cannot be sped up when such are used.


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Re: v0.97d Preview Ready
« Reply #130 on: April 26, 2010, 05:01:08 pm »

hf003:  Go "View>Preferences..." and uncheck the "shadows" parameter under the 'File Output' section.  It will globally turn off all shadows


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Re: v0.97c Preview Ready
« Reply #131 on: October 08, 2010, 10:53:17 am »

I stay for a full year, AND NOTHING CHANGED!
Ah well at least some people are doing some nice renders.


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Re: v0.97c Preview Ready
« Reply #132 on: November 03, 2010, 04:58:25 pm »

bump much? jk, me too. Where's steve? anyone in contact with him?


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Re: v0.97 Preview Ready (With ART Ray Tracer!)
« Reply #133 on: June 08, 2012, 04:47:39 pm »

Art has alpha


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Re: v0.97 Preview Ready (With ART Ray Tracer!)
« Reply #134 on: October 09, 2013, 08:14:56 pm »

Steve, :'(
the is broken!!
i try remove the dot in 0.97f, but no work to!!
when i make the download the ""
have only 1kbyte!!  ???

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