Thanks Simon, but *Face Palm, my bad for using confusing terminology.
It's not really supposed to be THAT big. When I said "the world" I wasn't talking about the earth, I was talking about the environment. The sky is not supposed to look quite like an atmospheric effect as much as a typical oceanic horizon line.
What I didn't explain, was that the problem was that it looks, as you say, like it is a representation of the horizon of the earth from an astropoint. When I really wanted it to look like plain and flat horizon.
What I want to do is make a video based on the box art I made for the game I just released. See a comparison hear:

But when the camera goes at certain angles like the one above, the effect is as Simon explained, which is not at all what it should look like.
Rudy, I just tried that out, but nothing seemed to change.